IOC Medical Commission - 1984 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods (Olympic Winter Games)

1984 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods / IOC Medical Commission. – Sarajevo : International Olympic Committee (IOC), 1983

The brochure with doping list was approved on February 14, 1983 in Sarajevo by the IOC Medical Commission and on June 21, 1983 in Lausanne by the IOC

Doping classes with examples

1. Psychomotor stimulant drugs e. g.:
- amphetamine
- benzphetamine
- chlorphentermine
- cocaine
- diethylpropion
- dimethylamphetamine
- ethylamphetamine
- fencamfamin
- meclofenoxate
- methylamphetamine
- methylphenidate
- norpseudoephedrine
- pemoline
- phendimetrazine
- phenmetrazine
- phentermine
- pipradol
- prolintane
- and related compounds.

2. Sympathomimetic amines e. g.:
- chlorprenaline
- ephedrine
- etafedrine
- isoetharine
- isoprenaline
- methoxyphenamine
- methylephedrine
- and related compounds.

3. Miscellaneous central nervous system stimulants e. g.:
- amiphenazoie
- bemigride
- caffeine
- cropropamide
- crotethamide
- doxapram
- ethamivan
- leptazol
- nikethamide
- picrotoxine
- strychnine
- and related compounds.

4. Narcotic analgesics e. g.:
- anileridine
- codeine
- dextromoramide
- dihydrocodeine
- dipipanone
- ethylmorphine
- heroin
- hydrocodone
- hydromorphone
- levorphanol
- methadone
- morphine
- oxocodone
- oxomorphone
- pentazocine
- pethidine
- phenazocine
- piminodine
- thebacon
- trimeperidine
- and related compounds.

5. Anabolic steroids e. g.:
- clostebol
- dehydrochlormethyltestosterone
- fluoxymesterone
- mesterolone
- methenolone
- metandienone
- methyltestosterone
- nandrolone
- norethandrolone
- oxymesterone
- oxymetholone
- stanozolol
- testosterone
- and related compounds

Selected information pages 26-27, 34 from the original document:

Contrôles médicaux du CIO / XIVèmes jeux olympiques d'hiver Sarajevo 1984 = IOC medical controls / XIV Olympic Winter Games Sarajevo 1984 = Medicinske kontrole MOK-a / XIV zimske olimpijske igre Sarajevo 1984. - Sarajevo : Comité d'organisation des XIVèmes Jeux olympiques d'hiver Yougoslavie, 1983. - 45 p. ; 21 cm

Source: Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library

Original document


14 February 1983
Original Source
International Olympic Committee (IOC)
Legal Terms
IOC List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods
Rules & regulations IOC
WADA Prohibited List International Standard
Other organisations
International Olympic Committee (IOC)
IOC Medical Commission
Doping classes
S1. Anabolic Agents
S6. Stimulants
S7. Narcotics
Document category
Prohibited List
Document type
Pdf file
Date generated
22 June 2016
Date of last modification
2 December 2021
  • Legal Source
  • Education
  • Science
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  • History
Country & language
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  • ADRV
  • Legal Terms
  • Sport/IFs
  • Other organisations
  • Laboratories
  • Analytical aspects
  • Doping classes
  • Substances
  • Medical terms
  • Various
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Publication period