IOC Medical Commission - 1980 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods

19 Jun 1978

1980 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods / IOC Medical Commission. – Lake Placid : International Olympic Committee (IOC), 1979

List of doping substances:

A. Psychomotor stimulant drugs e.g.:
- amphetamine
- benzphetamine
- chiorphentermine
- Cocaine
- diethylproplon
- dimethylamphetamine
- ethylamphetamine
- fencamfamin
- meclofenoxate
- methylamphetamine
- methyiphenidate
- norpseudoephedrine
- pemoline
- phendimetrazine
- phenmetrazine
- phenternine
- pipradol
- prolintane
- and related compounds.

B. Sympathomlmetic amines e.g.:
- chlorprenaline
- ephedrine
- etafedrine
- soethanne
- soprenaline
- methoxyphenamine
- methylephedrine
- and related compounds.

C. Miscellaneous central nervous system stimulants e.g.:
- amiphenazole
- bamigride
- doxapram
- ethamivan
- leptazol
- nikethamide
- pentylenetetrazol
- picrotoxine
- strychnine
- and related compounds.

D. NarcotIc analgesics e.g.:
- anileridine
- codeine
- dextromoramide
- dihydrocodeine
- dipipanona
- ethylmorphine
- heroin
- hydrocodone
- hydromorphone
- levorphanol
- methadone
- morphine
- oxocodone
- oxomorphone
- pentazocine
- pethidine
- phenazocine
- piminodine
- thebacon
- trimeperidine
- and related compounds.

E. AnabolIc steroids e.g.:
- metandienone
- stanozolol
- oxymetholone
- nandrolone decanoate
- nandrolone phenylproplonate
- and related compounds.

Selected information pages 24-25, 32 from the original document:

Contrôles médicaux du C.I.O : Jeux de la XXIIe Olympiade Moscou, 1980 = IOC medical controls : Games of the XXII olympiad Moscow, 1980 = Медицинский контроль МОК : Игры XXII Олимпиады Москва, 1980 / [Оргкомитет "Олимпиада 80"]. - Moskva : Fizkul'tura i sport, cop. 1979. - 46 p. ; 20 cm

Source: Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library

Council of Europe - Recommendation Concerning Doping in Sport (1979)

20 Apr 1979

Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to Member States Concerning Doping in Sport / Committee of Ministers to Member States. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe (CoE), 1979. - (Council of Europe Recommendation (79) 8; 20 April 1979). - Charter adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 20 April 1979 at the 303th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies)

IOC Medical Commission - 1984 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods (Olympic Summer Games)

14 Feb 1983

1984 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods / IOC Medical Commission. – International Olympic Committee (IOC), 1983

The brochure with doping list was approved on February 14, 1983 in Sarajevo by the IOC Medical Commission

Doping classes with examples

A. Psychomotor stimulant drugs e.g.:
- amphetamine
- benzphetamine
- chlorphentermine
- cocaine
- diethylpropion
- dimethylamphetamine
- ethylamphetamine
- fencamfamin
- meclofenoxate
- methylamphetamine
- methylphenidate
- norpseudoephedrine
- pemoline
- phendimetrazine
- phenmetrazine
- phentermtne
- pipradol
- prolintane
- and related compounds.

B. Sympathomimetic amines e.g.:
- chlorprenaline
- ephedrine
- etafedrme
- isoethanne
- isoprenallne
- methoxyphenamtne
- methylephedrine
- and related compounds.

C. Miscellaneous central nervous system stimulants e.g .:
- amiphenazole
- bemigride
- caffeine
- cropropamide (component of "micoren")
- crotethamide (component of "micoren")
- doxapram
- ethamivan
- leptazol
- nikethamide
- picrotoxine
- strychnine
- and related compounds.

D. Narcotic analgesics e.g.:
- anilerdine
- codeine
- dextromoramide
- dihydrocodeine
- dipipanone
- ethylmorphine
- heroin
- hydrocodone
- hydromorphone
- levorphanol
- methadone
- morphine
- oxocodone
- oxomorphone
- pentazocine
- pethidine
- phenazocine
- piminodine
- thebacon
- trimeperidine
- and related compounds.

E. Anabolic steroids e.g.:
- clostebol
- dehydrochlormethyltestosterone
- fluoxymesterone
- mesterolone
- methenolone
- metandienone
- methyltestosterone
- nandrolone
- norethandrolone
- oxymesterone
- oxymetholone
- stanozolol
- testosterone
- and related compounds.

Selected information pages from the original document:

IOC medical controls brochure : Games of the XXIIIrd Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 = Contrôles médicales [sic] du CIO : Jeux de la XXIIIème Olympiade Los Angeles 1984 / Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee. - Los Angeles : LAOOC, [1984?]. - 35 p. ; 22 cm

Source: Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library

IOC Medical Commission - 1984 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods (Olympic Winter Games)

14 Feb 1983

1984 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods / IOC Medical Commission. – Sarajevo : International Olympic Committee (IOC), 1983

The brochure with doping list was approved on February 14, 1983 in Sarajevo by the IOC Medical Commission and on June 21, 1983 in Lausanne by the IOC

Doping classes with examples

1. Psychomotor stimulant drugs e. g.:
- amphetamine
- benzphetamine
- chlorphentermine
- cocaine
- diethylpropion
- dimethylamphetamine
- ethylamphetamine
- fencamfamin
- meclofenoxate
- methylamphetamine
- methylphenidate
- norpseudoephedrine
- pemoline
- phendimetrazine
- phenmetrazine
- phentermine
- pipradol
- prolintane
- and related compounds.

2. Sympathomimetic amines e. g.:
- chlorprenaline
- ephedrine
- etafedrine
- isoetharine
- isoprenaline
- methoxyphenamine
- methylephedrine
- and related compounds.

3. Miscellaneous central nervous system stimulants e. g.:
- amiphenazoie
- bemigride
- caffeine
- cropropamide
- crotethamide
- doxapram
- ethamivan
- leptazol
- nikethamide
- picrotoxine
- strychnine
- and related compounds.

4. Narcotic analgesics e. g.:
- anileridine
- codeine
- dextromoramide
- dihydrocodeine
- dipipanone
- ethylmorphine
- heroin
- hydrocodone
- hydromorphone
- levorphanol
- methadone
- morphine
- oxocodone
- oxomorphone
- pentazocine
- pethidine
- phenazocine
- piminodine
- thebacon
- trimeperidine
- and related compounds.

5. Anabolic steroids e. g.:
- clostebol
- dehydrochlormethyltestosterone
- fluoxymesterone
- mesterolone
- methenolone
- metandienone
- methyltestosterone
- nandrolone
- norethandrolone
- oxymesterone
- oxymetholone
- stanozolol
- testosterone
- and related compounds

Selected information pages 26-27, 34 from the original document:

Contrôles médicaux du CIO / XIVèmes jeux olympiques d'hiver Sarajevo 1984 = IOC medical controls / XIV Olympic Winter Games Sarajevo 1984 = Medicinske kontrole MOK-a / XIV zimske olimpijske igre Sarajevo 1984. - Sarajevo : Comité d'organisation des XIVèmes Jeux olympiques d'hiver Yougoslavie, 1983. - 45 p. ; 21 cm

Source: Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library

Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sport: The Ethical Issue

1 Jan 1984

Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sport : The Ethical Issue / Warren P. Fraleigh. - (Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 11 (1984) 1; p. 23-29)

  • DOI: 10.1080/00948705.1984.9714410

Urinary Excretion of Ecgonine Methyl Ester, a Major Metabolite of Cocaine in Humans

4 Jan 1984

Urinary Excretion of Ecgonine Methyl Ester, a Major Metabolite of Cocaine in Humans / John Ambre, Marian Fischman, Tsuen-ih Ruo. - (Journal of Analytical Toxicology 8 (1984) 1 (January/February); p. 23-25)

  • DOI: 10.1093/jat/8.1.23


In this study, cocaine, benzoylecgonine, and ecgonine methyl ester excretion in urine was measured after intravenous and intranasal administration of cocaine at 16, 32, 48, and 96 mg doses to healthy cocaine users. Ecgonine methyl ester and cocaine were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Benzoylecgonine was measured by immunoassay (EMIT) and liquid chromatography. Urinary ecgonine methyl ester accounted for 26 to 60% of the cocaine dose. Ecgonine methyl ester had an elimination halflife of 4.2 hr, compared with 5.1 hr for benzoylecgonine. These results indicate that ecgonine methyl ester accounts for most of the previously unidentified urinary metabolic products of cocaine. The time course of ecgonine methyl ester excretion is such that its detection can substitute for benzoylecgonine detection as a marker of cocaine use.

Council of Europe - European Anti-Doping Charter for Sport (1984)

25 Sep 1984

European Anti-Doping Charter for Sport : Recommendation & Charter / Committee of Ministers to Member States. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe (CoE), 1984. - (Council of Europe Recommendation (1984) 19; 25 September 1984). - Charter adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 25 September 1984 at the 375th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies). - European Anti-Doping Charter for Sport included as Appendix to Recommendtion No. 5 (84) 19

Policy view on doping and sport

1 Dec 1985

Beleidsstandpunt inzake doping en sport / [samenstelling] W. Boersma .... [et al.]. - Oosterbeek : Nationaal Instituut voor de Sportgezondheidszorg (NISGZ), 1985

  • Met lit. opg.
  • ISBN 90-71001-05-9

Doping in sport tarnishes the sport in its broadest sense and should be fought on the base of ethical and medical aspects. In this fight however, human dignity should not be lost and a nuanced approach is needed, in which the doping control is never a goal in itself, but should be understood as a protection of the sport and its practitioners.
The most desirable structure of the doping control would be that the laboratory analysis reports concerning unambiguous identification and quantification are interpret by a body. This interpretation serves as a base for the sentence to be determined by a disciplinary body. The gravity of the penalty should be equal to the seriousness of the offense and the related social consequences for the athlete. The procedures and the rights and obligations of the parties involved in a doping control should be recorded in doping regulations. More clarity on the so-called "doping lists" is urgently needed. The aim for a single international doping list of resources that have performance-enhancing effects is required.
In addition, information is needed about the nature, effects and side effects of doping related products. In this area still further research needs to be done.
It is desirable to draw up a "statute" for supervisors and conduct for physicians relating to the provision or administration of (prescription) drugs. Sports organizations should give priority to the quality of support personal and provide information to the latter.
The government needs to make restrictions for the provision of doping substances and provide financial means for education, research and control.
Above central coordinating of the analysis, research and information supply and all further doping issues necessary for which a Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs, with close ties to the NISGZ seems to be the designated body.
Discussing the above findings in a national and international context is desirable for more unity in activities.

IOC Medical Commission - 1986 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods

22 Apr 1986

1986 List of Prohibited Classes of Substances and Prohibited Methods / IOC Medical Commission. – Seoul : International Olympic Committee (IOC), 1986

Doping list reviewed on 22 April 1986 in Seoul by the IOC Medical Commission



A. Stimulants
B. Narcotics
C. Anabolic Steroids
D. Beta-blockers
E. Diuretics

A. Blood doping


A. Alcohol
B. Local anaestics
C. Corticosteroids

Source: Anti-Doping Knowledgde Center

Beta-Blockade used in precision sports: effect on pistol shooting performance

1 Aug 1986

Beta-Blockade used in precision sports: effect on pistol shooting performance / P. Kruse, J. Ladefoged, U. Nielsen, P.E. Paulev, J.P. Sørensen. - (Journal of Applied Physiology 61 (1986) 2 (August); p. 417-420)

  • PMID: 2875053
  • DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1986.61.2.417


In a double-blind cross-over study of 33 marksmen (standard pistol, 25 m) the adrenergic beta 1-receptor blocker, metoprolol, was compared to placebo. Metoprolol obviously improved the pistol shooting performance compared with placebo. Shooting improved by 13.4% of possible improvement (i.e., 600 points minus actual points obtained) as an average (SE = 4%, 2P less than 0.002). The most skilled athletes demonstrated the clearest metoprolol improvement. We found no correlation between the shooting improvement and changes in the cardiovascular variables (i.e., changes of heart rate and systolic blood pressure) and no correlation to the estimated maximum O2 uptake. The shooting improvement is an effect of metoprolol on hand tremor. Emotional increase of heart rate and systolic blood pressure seem to be a beta 1-receptor phenomenon.

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