CAS 2011_A_2353 IAAF vs Erik Tysse

29 Aug 2011

CAS 2011/A/2353 Erik Tysse v. Norwegian Athletics Federation (NAF) & International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)

  • Athletics (race walking)
  • Doping (EPO CERA)
    Validity of the method to find Continuous Erythropoetin
  • Receptor Activator (CERA) in a urine sample
  • Adverse analytical finding
  • Departure from International Standards
  • Violation of the European Convention for Human Rights

1. To establish a CERA doping violation, the applicable TD2009EPO (Technical Document issued by WADA) provides that the criteria of analysis has been established to ensure harmonization in the performance of the EPO test. For the detection of EPO, and in particular of EPO CERA, the isoelectrofocusing (IEF) analysis method must first meet the acceptance criteria. Once the analysis meets the acceptance criteria, TD2009EPO requires that the lab apply the identification criteria. Once the identification criteria is met and an Adverse Analytical Finding is suspected, the lab, in the confirmation phase, must perform a stability test on the sample.

2. Iron injections cannot explain an adverse analytical finding of EPO CERA where the evidence of an athlete’s experts is not supported by any reliable evidence.

3. Regarding any alleged breaches or departures in general, the IAAF Rules provides that the laboratory is presumed to have conducted the analysis in accordance with the International Standards for Testing. An athlete may of course rebut this presumption, but must do so on the balance of probabilities.

4. Even if it were applicable, there is no violation of the European Convention for Human Rights due to the fact that the No Fault and No Significant Fault provisions in both the WADA Code and the IAAF Rules protect athletes against any violation in this respect.

On 31 January 2011 the Norwegian Athletics Federation (NAF) Tribunal decided to impose a 2 year period of ineligibility on the race walker Erik Tysse after his A and B samples tested positive for the prohibited substance Methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta (CERA).

Hereafter in February 2011 the Athlete appealed the Norwegian decision with the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

The Athlete asserted that the NAF Tribunal erred in confusing the quality of the tests and the interpretation of the test results and, as such, incorrectly concluded that his doping tests were positive. He argued that the method used by the Rome Laboratory to detect CERA is unreliable nevertheless when interpreted correctly does not show the presence of CERA.

Also the results from the Rome Lab do not meet the standards as set out in the WADA Technical Document in question and there were several procedural errors in the Rome Lab.

The NAF and IAAF rejected the Athlete’s arguments and asserted that a validated and reliable method for detecting rhEPO and analogues and the analytical data from the Athlete’s test was correctly interpreted in accordance with the WADA Technical Document.

The Panel finds that the presence has been established of CERA in the Athlete’s sample and that the Athlete’s expert’s evidence in this case is not relevant. Regarding the requirements in the WADA Technical Document, the Panel finds that the acceptance criteria, the identification criteria, and the stability criteria are met in this case.

Further the Panel finds that the evidence establishes that the used IEF method is both valid and has a high degree of specificity. The Panel finds that the medical records show no direct evidence that the Athlete suffers from any kidney condition.

The Panel concludes that the Athlete failed to establish any departure on the balance of probabilities.

Therefore the Court of Arbitration for Sport decides on 29 August 2011 that:

(1) The appeal filed by the Appellant Mr Erik Tysse on 16 February 2011 is dismissed.

(2) The decision of the NAF Tribunal dated 31 January 2011 is hereby confirmed.

(3) (…)

Dopingautoriteit Annual Report 2007 (Netherlands)

1 Apr 2008

Dopingautoriteit jaarverslag 2007 / Dopingautoriteit. - Capelle aan den IJssel, 2008

This is the second Annual Report from the Anti-Doping
Authority of the Netherlands. The organisation was
established on 23 June 2006 with the merger of the
Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs and Doping
Control Netherlands.
The merger has become more than just the sum of
the parts: the activities of both merger partners will be
recognisable in this report, but the new structure has
changed the way those activities are positioned in the
organisation and had an impact on their implementation.
In addition to the two operational departments dealing
with Prevention and Control, the Doping Authority has a
staff which serves both departments and the management.
This grouping of knowledge and expertise is one
of the added values generated by the merger.
We hope that this annual report will provide you with a
clear picture of the work our organisation has done in
the first complete reporting year of our existence.
The board of management

Dopingautoriteit Annual Report 2008 (Netherlands)

1 May 2009

This is the third Annual Report from the Anti-Doping Authority of the Netherlands. The organisation was established on 23 June 2006 with the merger of the Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs and Doping Control Netherlands.

The Doping Authority has now proven that housing Prevention and Control in a single organisation was an important step. The merger has allowed us to operate more effectively. Public awareness of the organisation and the organisation’s profile also received a major boost.
Changes in policy were introduced in 2008 in areas where the Doping Authority is active, largely as a result of the decisions taken in late 2007 by the General Meeting of the NOC*NSF. Those decisions constituted the basis for the formation of the ‘registered testing pool’ and the obligations incumbent upon the people included in that testing pool.

As a result, it was possible to conduct doping controls in a more targeted and effective way and our educational activities reached many more elite athletes than in previous years.
The changes in the regulations have resulted in an increasing number of protracted follow-up investigations so that it can sometimes take more than six months before definitive decisions can be made about the result of a doping control. That is one of the reasons it was not possible to publish this annual report earlier.
We hope that this annual report will provide you with a clear picture of the work of our organisation.
The board of management

Dopingautoriteit Annual Report 2009 (Netherlands)

1 Apr 2010

Dopingautoriteit jaarverslag 2009 / Dopingautoriteit. - Capelle aan den IJssel, 2010

This is the fourth Annual Report from the Anti-Doping Authority of the Netherlands.

In recent years, our organisation has proven increasingly able to fulfil effectively the responsibilities delegated to us by the government and organised sports. At the same time, it undeniable that this increased efficacy – and our associated reputation and high profile – are powering opposing forces in our society as a whole and in the world of sports in particular.
In 2009, there was a broad – and necessary –public discussion about the anti-doping policy and the way it is implemented. A range of groups in society criticised the global policy and – albeit to a lesser extent – the way in which that policy is implemented in the Netherlands. In a number of complex and high-profile cases, that policy and that implementation have been, and continue tobe, tested.

These developments will all contributeto our ultimate objective: clean, fair sport.
Despite the efforts that went into dealing with doping violations, our organisation continues to focus to an important extent on preventing cases of this kind. Prevention and education continue to be of undiminished importance.
We hope that this annual report will provide you, once again, with a clear picture of the work of our organisation.

The board of management

Dopingautoriteit Annual Report 2010 (Netherlands)

1 May 2011

Dopingautoriteit jaarverslag 2010 / Dopingautoriteit. - Capelle aan de IJssel, 2011

Annual Report 2010
This is the fifth Annual Report from the Anti-Doping Authority of the Netherlands.

In several respects, 2010 was a transitional year. First of all because it became clear during the course of the year that the Doping Authority will not escape government cutbacks.
As a result, in the years to come, we can expect to get smaller rather than grow.

2010 was also a transitional year: the basic principles were drawn up for changes in the national doping policy and they will affect the work of the Doping Authority in 2011, and later, in several respects.

We look back with satisfaction at a fruitful year and we hope that this annual report will provide you, once again, with a clear picture of the work of our organisation.

CAS 2010_A_2296 Simon Vroemen vs KNAU & Anti-Doping Autoriteit Nederland

12 Sep 2011

CAS 2010/A/2296 Simon Vroemen v/ Koninklijke Nederlandse Atletiek Unie & Anti-Doping Autoriteit Nederland

CAS 2010/A/2296 Simon Vroemen v. Koninklijke Nederlandse Atletiek Unie (KNAU) & Anti-Doping Autoriteit Nederland (ADAN)

  • Athletics (steeplechase)
  • Doping (metandienone)
  • Burden and standard of proof regarding departures from International Standards
  • Validity of sample collection and storage
  • Minor documentation defect
  • Transportation of sample
  • “Different analyst” rule
  • CAS scope of review regarding the validation of a detection method
  • Delivery of the Laboratory’s standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Purpose of the analysis of the B sample for a non-threshold substance

1. According to the applicable provisions of the Dutch Institute for Sports Law (ISR) Doping Regulations, when an adverse analytical finding is reported by a WADA-accredited laboratory, there is a presumption that the applicable International Standards were respected throughout the whole anti-doping process. The burden is thus on the athlete to establish, by a balance of probability, a departure from the International Standard for Testing (IST) or International Standard for Laboratories (ISL) either during the collection, handling and transport of the samples or during the analysis, custodial and review procedures in the laboratory. If the athlete does prove any such departure, the burden shifts back to the anti-doping organization to prove – to the comfortable satisfaction of the hearing body, bearing in mind the seriousness of the allegation which is made – that the departure did not cause the adverse analytical finding.

2. Where on the balance of probability, an athlete’s allegations concerning the sample collection and storage procedure have not been proven, it must be concluded that the anti-doping test performed by the Doping Control Officer (DCO) on the athlete was properly carried out and that the samples were properly stored in accordance with the applicable collection procedures.

3. A declaration signed by an athlete that s/he was satisfied with the sample collection procedure cures any minor documentation defect such as the absence on the Doping Control Form of the athlete’s address and sport discipline, which, as a consequence and in terms of the applicable rules, cannot even be regarded as a true “departure” from the IST.

4. Three and half days between the end of the sample collection and the arrival of the sample at an accredited Lab does not constitute an unacceptable period of transport and certainly cannot be characterized as being “too long” in terms of the IST. This time-frame is arguably not ideal but it is in line with common testing practice, especially when sample collection occurs far away from a WADA-accredited laboratory.

5. No departure from ISL relating to the “different analyst rule” prohibiting the same person to participate in the A and B sample analysis can be retained if an athlete did not satisfy his/her burden of proof in this respect on the balance of probability.

6. A CAS panel cannot place in question whether an ISO accreditation was correctly attributed to a laboratory, because this would render the whole international standardization and certification system meaningless and because, notoriously, compliance with ISO accreditation requirements is regularly checked by external auditors. However, a CAS panel may certainly verify whether a given method used by a laboratory is covered by the accreditation or not. In any event, it is for an athlete to establish on a balance of probability, that either method is not validated for specificity.

7. No rule obliges an accredited Lab to deliver the Laboratory’s standard operating procedures (SOPs). In fact, pursuant to the WADA Technical Document TD2003LDOC, the Laboratory is not required to support an Adverse Analytical Finding by producing SOPs, general quality management documents (e.g., ISO compliance documents) or any other documents not specifically required. However, the above WADA provision does not and may not preclude a CAS panel, if the conditions set forth by article R44.3 of the CAS Code are met, from ordering an anti-doping organization to produce specified and relevant extracts from the SOPs of a WADA-accredited laboratory.

8. ISL provisions make clear that, in the case of a non-threshold substance, the laboratory method for analyzing the B sample is not aimed at having identical analytical results or at gaining information on the background or the quantification, but only at confirming the presence of the prohibited substance. In other terms, the ISL only requires the identification in the B sample of the same prohibited substance that was found in the A sample.

In June 2008 the Royal Dutch Athletics Association (KNAU) reported an anti-doping rule violation against the Dutch Athlete Simon Vroemen after his A and B samples tested positive for the prohibited substance Metandienone.

In first instance the Athlete disputed the irregularities in the sample collection procedure, the chain of custody and the competence and capability of the Cologne Laboratory. The KNAU Decision Disciplinary Committee accepted the Athlete's arguments and decided ultimately on 28 January 2010 for acquittal of the Athlete.

The Anti-Doping Authority Netherlands (ADAN) appealed this decision and thereupon on 22 September 2010 the KNAU Appeal Committee decided to impose a 2 year period of ineligibility on the Athlete.

Hereafter in November 2010 the Athlete appealed the KNAU Appeal Decision with the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). The Athlete requested the CAS Panel to set aside the Appealed Decision and to acquit him.

The Panel assessed and addressed the following issues raised by the Athlete:

  • Several procedural violations in the anti-doping control process that occurred before the samples arrived at the Cologne Lab;
  • Several procedural violations or mistakes in analysing the samples committed by the Cologne Laboratory;
  • The analyses performed on the samples do not support the reported adverse analytical finding.

The Panel determines that the Athlete has not satisfied his burden of proving, in accordance with the balance of probability standard, that these alleged departures had caused his adverse analytical finding.

By contrast the KNAU and ADAN have discharged their burden of proving to the comfortable satisfaction of the Panel that a metabolite of Metandienone was present in the Athlete's urine samples.

Therefore the Court of Arbitration for Sport decides on 12 September 2011:

1.) The appeal filed by Mr. Simon Vroemen against the decision issued on 10 November 2010 by the Appeal Committee of the Dutch Institute for Sports Law is dismissed.

2.) The decision issued on 10 November 2010 by the Appeal Committee of the Dutch Institute for Sports Law is hereby confirmed.

3.) Mr. Simon Vroemen is declared ineligible for a period of two years, starting from 10 November 2010, whereby the period of ineligibility already served by Mr. Vroemen on the basis of the decision of the KNAU dated 21 July 2008 shall be credited to this sanction.


6.) All other requests, motions or prayers for relief are rejected.

CAS 2001_A_328 F. vs IPC

3 Aug 2001

CAS 2001/A/328 F. / International Sports Organization for the Disabled (ISOD), International Paralympic Committee (IPC), Disabled Sports USA (DS/USA)

  • Doping (nandrolone)
  • Stay of the execution of a sanction

The Appellant, is a Parathlete affiliated to Disabled Sports USA (DS/USA), competing at the 11th Paralympic Summer Games in Sydney.

In October 2000 at the Paralympic Summer Games in Sydney the Athlete tested positive for the prohibited substance Nandrolone i a low concentration. Consequently on 29 October 2000 the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) decided to impose a 4 year period of ineligibility on the Athletet including the 12th Paralympic Summer Games in 2004.

The CAS Panel establishes that in the instant case a hearing of the Appeal cannot take place prior to the 10 August 2001 because the IPC’s offices will be closed and the IPC representatives will not be able to respond and/or participate until that date.

The Panel finds that if the Appellant’s request for provisional relief is denied, he will be ineligible to compete in the International Challenge Track and Field Championship even if he is successful in his appeal of the decision of DS/USA; The interests of the Respondents in maintaining the suspension would appear to be minimally affected by the granting of limited interim relief.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport decides on 3 August 2001:

1.) Grants the request for a stay of the suspension of F. until the final award.

2.) States that the present order is pronounced without costs.

World Anti-Doping Code 2003

1 Mar 2003

World Anti-Doping Code 2003 / World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). - Montreal : WADA, 2003

The World Anti-Doping Code (Code) is the core document that harmonizes anti-doping policies, rules and regulations within sport organizations and among public authorities around the world. It works in conjunction with six International Standards which aim to foster consistency among anti-doping organizations in various areas: testing; laboratories; Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs); the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods; the protection of privacy and personal information; and Code Compliance by Signatories.

This unified approach addresses problems that previously arose from disjointed and uncoordinated anti-doping efforts, including, among others: a scarcity and splintering of resources required to conduct research and testing; a lack of knowledge about specific substances and procedures being used and to what degree; and an inconsistent approach to sanctions for those athletes found guilty of doping.

Ever since it entered into force on 1 January 2004, the Code has proven to be a powerful and effective tool in the harmonization of anti-doping efforts worldwide. This has been demonstrated by the overwhelming support of governments and sports in accepting the Code, in addition to the growing body of jurisprudence from the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in supporting the principles of the Code.

The adoption of the Code led to several significant advances in the global fight against doping in sport, including the formalization of certain rules and the clarification of stakeholder responsibilities. This new approach to anti-doping brought consistency to a previously disjointed system.

The Code has also been instrumental in introducing the concept of “non-analytical” rule violations. Non-analytical rule violations have allowed anti-doping organizations to apply sanctions in cases where there is no positive doping sample, but where there may still be evidence that a doping violation has occurred (e.g. through a combination of three missed tests / whereabouts failures; longitudinal testing; evidence brought forward through an investigation).

WADA Prohibited List 2011

18 Sep 2010

The 2011 Prohibited List International Standard : The World Anti-Doping Code / World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). - Montreal : WADA, 2010.

- The official text of the Prohibited List shall be maintained by WADA and shall be published in English and French. In the event of any conflict between the English and French versions, the English version shall prevail.
- This List shall come into effect on 1 January 2011

Doping Dokumente : Von der Forschung zum Betrug

1 Jan 1991

Doping Dokumente : Von der Forschung zum Betrug / Birgit Berendonk. - Berlin : Springer Verlag, 1991

  • ISBN 3540537422
  • ISBN 0387537422

First edition of the book on East German Anti-doping.

Geahnt und befürchtet hatten die Sportbegeisterten und -zuschauer schon seit langem, daß im Leistungssport gedopt wird. Trotz gelegentlicher Selbstbekenntnisse von Sportlern aber wurde dies von offizieller Seite stets bestritten und Vermutungen als bösartig und falsch abgetan. Noch bestand Hoffnung, daß Fairness und natürliche Freude am Wettkampf im Spitzensport ausschlaggebend sei. Erst als sich deutliche Hinweise - u.a. Ben Johnson in Seoul - nicht mehr abstreiten ließen, fanden in den USA, in Canada und Australien offizielle Untersuchungen statt. Bei den dabei unter Eid gemachten Aussagen von Sportlern, Trainern, Sportmedizinern und Funktionären kam das ungeheure Ausmaß des Dopingmißbrauchs langsam ans Tageslicht. Auch in der Bundesrepublik wurde eine Kommission eingesetzt, deren nun vorliegender Bericht zeigt, daß zumindest in der ehemaligen DDR flächendeckend gedopt wurde. Die offizielle Empfehlung lautet allerdings: keinen Schuldigen nennen, schweigen - und schweigend weiterdopen, um auch bei den nächsten internationalen Sportfesten glänzen zu können. Ohne die genauen Fakten und Namen der Verantwortlichen und Mittäter zu nennen, wird es aber keine Reinigung des Sports vom Doping und keine Zukunft für einen menschenwürdigen Leistungssport geben. Noch gelten die Anabolika-unterstützten Rekorde als Vorgaben. Deshalb und besonders auch der zahlreichen Opfer wegen - der ohne ihr Wissen mit Hormonen behandelten oft jugendlichen Sportler auf der einen Seite sowie derjenigen, die vergeblich versucht hatten, auf faire Art sportliche Leistungen zu erbringen - hat sich die Autorin entschlossen, mit diesem Buch die Wahrheit an die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen. Dokumentiert wird auch, welche gesundheitlichen und psychischen Schäden durch Dopingmittel (androgene Hormone) besonders im Frauensport angerichtet werden, und wie Sportmediziner und Wissenschaftler mitgewirkt haben an Menschen-Versuchen und Forschungsvorhaben mit dem Ziel, neue, stärkere Mittel zu entwickeln und Dopingkontrollen effektiver zu umgehen. Brigitte Berendonk war viele Jahre erfolgreich im Spitzensport - u.a. Deutsche Jugendmeisterin in der damaligen DDR, dann in der BRD, später Deutsche Meisterin im Diskuswerfen und Kugelstoßen und zweifache Olympiateilnehmerin. Insgesamt 39 mal startete sie in der deutschen Leichtathletik-Nationalmannschaft der Frauen. Ein Hamburger Nachrichten-Magazin wird zum Erscheinen über Doping Dokumente berichten.

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