Health Risks of Illegal Doping Trade over the Internet [2010]

Gezondheidsrisico's illegale doping via internet / Hans Wassink, Bart Coumans, Olivier de Hon. - Capelle a/d IJssel : Dopingautoriteit, 2010


Health Risks of Illegal Doping Trade over the Internet. In the Netherlands it is estimated that there are 160,000 doping users who take these substances particularly for cosmetic purposes, i.e. more muscle and less body fat. It is suspected that a significant proportion of these users purchase doping over the internet. The purpose of this research is to better understand the doping trade over the internet and the associated (additional) health and other risks.

An overview of research in the Netherlands on illegal doping trade over the internet was done. In addition, during the period November 2009 to February 2010 sites were reviewed in particular those selling anabolic steroids and human growth hormone. A selection of these websites was made followed by a qualitative analysis of the (additional) health risks based on the information and advices on these websites. Based on the research overview it can be concluded that it seems that the trade of illicit doping over the internet increases. There are some indications that these substances are more often counterfeited than the 'regular' doping trade. The most recent estimate indicates that approximately 30% of the doping buyers buy the substances over the internet. Internet plays a distinct role in information even when only looking for buying opportunities. Besides health risks, there are also financial and legal risks of buying these products over the internet.

The analysis of websites offering illegal doping brings various risks to the fore. Besides the fact that the use of doping already gives substantial health risks and that 50-60% of illegal doping is counterfeited, users run additional risks following the advices given. Large doses are almost standard advice to beginners, and on websites the tone of voice about doping use is frivolous and the information given is very unbalanced (risks are minimized; risk groups like minors and women are seldom specifically warned).

The findings from this research will be used in the prevention and education activities of the Anti-Doping Authority of the Netherlands mainly focused on athletes and fitness instructors in gyms. To better map trends, future prevalence studies should include doping trade over the internet. It is known that ordinary drug sales over the internet can vary considerably in quality. It is recommended that the quality and risks of the illicit doping trade over the internet should be monitored. Finally, cooperation and exchange with the national Health Campaign "The dangers of internet medication’ and the Trimbos Institute (centre on mental health and drug addiction) are recommended.

Original document


Bodybuilders, Powerlifters & Gym Users
Medical Practitioners
Research / Study
1 September 2010
Coumans, Bart
Hon, Olivier de
Wassink, Hans
Original Source
Doping Authority Netherlands
Trafficking / attempted trafficking
Use / attempted use
Legal Terms
Anti-Doping policy
Other organisations
Dopingautoriteit - Anti-Doping Authority Netherlands (ADAN)
Doping classes
S1. Anabolic Agents
S2. Peptide Hormones, Growth Factors
S4. Hormone And Metabolic Modulators
S5. Diuretics and Other Masking Agents
S6. Stimulants
Medical terms
Treatment / self-medication
Counterfeit drug
Gym/fitness environment
Illegal production / trade
Document category
Document type
Pdf file
Date generated
22 March 2012
Date of last modification
27 October 2021
  • Legal Source
  • Education
  • Science
  • Statistics
  • History
Country & language
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Other filters
  • ADRV
  • Legal Terms
  • Sport/IFs
  • Other organisations
  • Laboratories
  • Analytical aspects
  • Doping classes
  • Substances
  • Medical terms
  • Various
  • Version
  • Document category
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Publication period