WADA - Strategic Plan 2011-2016

Strategic Plan 2011-2016 / World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). - Montreal : WADA, 2011


I. Foreword
II. Vision, Mission and Values
III. Summary of Strategic Objectives
IV. Strategic Objectives

WADA has published the fourth revision of its Strategic Plan, which covers the period 2011 to 2016.

The plan, which was created in 2001 and revised in 2004 and 2007, has been developed to align WADA’s activities and resources over the next five years.

It has eight objectives based on the World Anti-Doping Code, the current environment and trends in anti-doping, and WADA’s governance and operational activities.

WADA’s strategic objectives serve to promote the integrity and value of sport and youth, promote the ‘level playing field’ philosophy, and act independently, professionally and without bias or influence.

The eight objectives of WADA’s Strategic Plan are:

- Provide comprehensive leadership on current and emerging issues and in the communication of effective strategies and programs in the campaign for doping-free sport.

- Achieve compliance by all anti-doping and international sport organizations with the Code to honor the rights of clean athletes and maintain the integrity of sport.

- Generate universal involvement of public authorities and public leaders in the campaign against doping in sport, and in particular encourage national laws to allow the sharing of evidence gathered or collected through investigations and inquiries by appropriate bodies.

- Promote an international framework for education programs that instill the values of doping-free sport.

- Promote universal awareness of the ethical aspects and health, legal and social consequences of doping so that stakeholders use that knowledge in their interaction with and education of athletes to prevent doping, protect health and the integrity of sport.

- Implement an international scientific research program and foster an international scientific research environment and expert network that monitors and predicts trends in doping science and actively promotes reliable research outcomes in the effective development, improvement and implementation of detection methods.

- Lead, assist and perform oversight so that every accredited anti-doping laboratory performs at a level consistent with international standards.

- Be a respected organization whose corporate governance and operating standards reflect international best practice.

Original document


26 November 2011
Original Source
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
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Anti-Doping policy
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World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
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Pdf file
Date generated
6 July 2020
Date of last modification
17 July 2020
  • Legal Source
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  • Statistics
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  • Other organisations
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