AAA 2009 No. 77 190 514 09 USADA vs Val Barnwell - Final Order

Val Barnwell is a 52-year old athlete with an accomplished career in track (and field) events. He has participated in multiple 100 m and 200 m events. At the 2008 World Masters Indoors Championship, het set the Men’s 50 world record in the 60m dash. He participated in the 2009 World Masters as a member of the USA team, in which he won gold medals in the M50 100 m, and 200 m.

The Respondent, gave a urine sample on August 3. 2009, as part of the USADA In-Competition testing program at the World Masters Athletics Championships in Lahti, Finland. The Respondent later won gold medals in the 4 x 100 relay and the 4 x 400 relay.
The Helsinki Laboratory determined through carbon isotope ration (CIR) analysis that the sample contained values consistent with the administration of a synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid (androstendione) in the A bottle.
The WADA-accredited Cologne Laboratory determined through CIR analysis that the sample contained values consistent with the administration of a synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid (androstendione) in both the A and B bottles.

After a hearing the Panel provisionally suspended the Respondent effective December 11, 2009. The period of ineligibility will be a maximum of two (2) years, unless aggravating circumstance are established, in which case the maximum period of ineligibility will be four (4) years.

The hearing was held on February 25, 2010.
the Respondent failed to establish any "exceptional circumstances" that would entitle him to a reduction in sanctions since he admitted that he did not check the ingredients on the supplements that he took. that he had not read the lAAF ADRs, and that he did not take responsibility for what went into his body, exclaiming that the
statement regarding responsibility for what goes in an athlete's body does not belong due to the type of meet he was participating in at the World Masters. Instead, he called that requirement an "insult" since athletes participate in the events "to have fun".
The Respondent did not meet his burden of proof. He failed to prove how the banned substance got into his system, a precondition to qualify for any reduction in sanctions.

USADA did not meet its burden of proving that there were "aggravating circumstances'' present under the evidence which would justify the imposition of a period of ineligibility greater than the Standard sanction. lAAF ADR 40.6. USADA was required to bear the burden of proof with legal sufficiency that the Respondent used or possessed multiple prohibited substances or used prohibited substances on multiple occasions or engaged in deceptive or obstructing conduct to avoid the detection or
adjudication of an anti-doping rule violation.

- The Respondent has committed a doping violation under the WADA Code, Article 10.2, by reason of the use of the testosterone prohormone (androstendione).
- Regardless of an athlete's age, all are entitled to compete on a level playing field at all events, including Masters level events. Cheating and doping have no place in sports.
- The two-year suspension, which began on December 11,2009, the effective date of the provisional suspension, is affirmed.
- The Respondent is held to forfeit his medals from the 2009 World Masters' Events, lAAF ADR 40.1.

Original document


Legal Source
National Decisions
3 March 2010
Gans, Walter E.
Reiss, Deanna
Witherspoon, Carolyn B.
United States of America
Adverse Analytical Finding / presence
Legal Terms
Period of ineligibility
Athletics (WA) - World Athletics
Other organisations
United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)
Cologne, Germany: Institute of Biochemistry - German Sport University Cologne
Helsinki, Finland: Doping Control Laboratory
Analytical aspects
B sample analysis
Doping classes
S1. Anabolic Agents
Androstenedione (androst-4-ene-3,17-dione)
Document type
Pdf file
Date generated
22 May 2013
Date of last modification
9 December 2019
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