TJD-AD 2018-049 Disciplinary Decision - Armwrestling

In October 2017 the Brazilian Doping Control Authority (ABCD) has reported an anti-doping rule violation against the armwrestler after his sample tested positive for the prohibited substances 19-norandrosterone (Nandrolone) and Tamoxifen.

Following notification the Athlete filed a statement in his defence. He admitted the violation and denied the intentional use of the substances. He explained that he underwent surgery after a car accident and pins and plates were placed in his lower limb.

The Athlete stated that as self-treatment he had used Deca-Durabolin in order to recover from muscle loss after his car accident. Tamoxifen was used as prevention from the side effects.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) assessed this case and deemed that the substances could be used for both medical and sport enhancement purposes. However there was no medical justification for the use of Tamoxifen and the Athlete had failed to apply for a TUE.

WADA approved only a reduction of 1 month. Thereupon the Athlete signed an Acceptance of Consequences Form and agreed with the sanction proposed by ABCD.

Hereafter the Parties in this case requested the Brazilian Sports Justice Anti-Doping Tribunal (TJD-AD) to render a decision based on the admitted violation and the proposed sanction. Therefore the TJD-AD decides on 4 April 2018 to impose a 3 year and 11 month period of ineligibility on the Athlete.

Original document


Legal Source
National Decisions
4 April 2018
Baptista, Marta Wada
Original Source
Brazilian Sports Justice Anti-Doping Tribunal (TJD-AD)
Adverse Analytical Finding / presence
Legal Terms
Acceptance of sanction
Period of ineligibility
Waiver of "right to be heard"
Armwrestling (IFA) - International Federation of Armwrestling
Other organisations
Autoridade Brasileira de Controle de Dopagem (ABCD) - Brazilian Doping Control Authority
Tribunal de Justiça Desportiva Antidopagem (TJD-AD) - Brazilian Sports Justice Anti-Doping Tribunal
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
Doping classes
S1. Anabolic Agents
S4. Hormone And Metabolic Modulators
Nandrolone (19-nortestosterone)
Medical terms
Physical injury
Treatment / self-medication
Document type
Pdf file
Date generated
13 April 2023
Date of last modification
20 April 2023
  • Legal Source
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  • Doping classes
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