Quantification of Endogenous Steroid Sulfates and Glucuronides in Human Urine After Intramuscular Administration of Testosterone Esters

22 Feb 2020

Quantification of Endogenous Steroid Sulfates and Glucuronides in Human Urine After Intramuscular Administration of Testosterone Esters / Guro Forsdahl, Katharina Zanitzer, Damir Erceg, Günter Gmeiner. - (Steroids 157 (2020) 108614 (May); p. 1-11).
- PMID: 32097612.
- DOI: 10.1016/j.steroids.2020.108614


For an effective detection of doping with pseudo-endogenous anabolic steroids, the urinary steroid profile is of high value. In this work, the aim was to investigate steroid metabolism disruption after exogenous intramuscular administration of different testosterone esters. The investigation focused on both sulfo - and glucoro conjugated androgens. A single intramuscular injection of either 1000 mg testosterone undecanoate (Nebido®) or a mixture of 30 mg testosterone propionate, 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg testosterone isocaproate, and 100 mg testosterone decanoate (Sustanone®), was given to six healthy volunteers. Urine was collected throughout a testing period of 60 days. A LC-MS method was developed and validated for the analysis of eight conjugated steroids in their intact form. The results show that urinary changes in both sulfo - and glucuro conjugated steroid levels are prominent after the injection of testosterone esters. A promising potential marker for the intake of exogenous testosterone is the combined ratio of epitestosterone sulfate/epitestosterone glucuronide to testosterone sulfate/testosterone glucuronide ((ES/EG)/(TS/TG)) as a complementary biomarker for testosterone abuse. This represents a new piece of evidence to detect testosterone doping, representing a new approach and being independent from the metabolic connections of the markers in the steroid passport.

Quantification of insulin-like growth factor-1 in dried blood spots for detection of growth hormone abuse in sport

22 Dec 2012

Quantification of insulin-like growth factor-1 in dried blood spots for detection of growth hormone abuse in sport / Holly D. Cox, Jessica Rampton, Daniel Eichner. - (Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 405 (2013) 6 (February); p. 1949-1958)

  • PMID: 23263515
  • DOI: 10.1007/s00216-012-6626-y


There is significant evidence that athletes are using recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) to enhance performance, and its use is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency and professional sports leagues. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is the primary mediator of growth hormone action and is used as a biomarker for the detection of rhGH abuse. The current biomarker-based method requires collection and expedited shipment of venous blood which is costly and may decrease the number of tests performed. Measurement of GH biomarkers in dried blood spots (DBS) would considerably simplify sample collection and shipping methods to allow testing of a greater number of samples regardless of location. A method was developed to quantify intact IGF-1 protein in DBS by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. A step-wise acid-acetonitrile extraction was optimized to achieve a sensitive assay with a lower limit of quantification of 50 ng/mL. IGF-1 remained stable at room temperature for up to 8 days, which would allow shipment of DBS cards at ambient temperature. In a comparison between plasma concentrations of IGF-1 and concentrations measured from venous and finger prick DBS, there was good correlation and agreement, r(2) of 0.8551 and accuracy of 86-113 % for venous DBS and r(2) of 0.9586 and accuracy of 89-122 % for finger prick DBS. The method is intended for use as a rapid screening method for IGF-1 to be used in the biomarker method of rhGH abuse detection.

Rabdomyolyse bij een bodybuilder na gebruik van diverse dopingmiddelen [2006]

13 May 2006

Rabdomyolyse bij een bodybuilder na gebruik van diverse dopingmiddelen / J.M.A. Daniels, D.J. van Westerloo, O.M. de Hon, P.H.J. Frissen. - (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 150 (2006) 19 (13 mei) p. 1077-1080)

Rhabdomyolysis in a bodybuilder using steroids / J.M.A. Daniels, D.J. van Westerloo, O.M. de Hon, P.H.J. Frissen. - (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 150 (2006) 19 (13 mei) p. 1077-1080)

Een 34-jarige man presenteerde zich op de Spoedeisende Hulp met koorts, braken en spierkrampen, ontstaan tijdens krachttraining. Enkele dagen voor de patiënt begon met trainen nam hij tabletten en intramusculaire injecties met anabole steroïden: dehydrochloormethyltestosteron, boldenon en trenbolon. Daarnaast nam hij clenbuteroltabletten, fosfatidylcholine subcutaan en liothyroninetabletten. Bij aanvullend onderzoek had hij een ernstige rabdomyolyse. Hiervoor werd hij behandeld met intraveneuze vochttoediening en door alkaliniseren van de urine met natriumbicarbonaat. De klachten verdwenen snel en de nierfunctie bleef onaangetast. Gebruik van doping onder amateursporters komt in Nederland frequent voor en kan naast chronische gezondheidsproblemen ook acute schade veroorzaken. Derhalve dient men bij amateursporters tijdens de anamnese aandacht te besteden aan gebruik van dopingmiddelen.

Rhabdomyolysis in a bodybuilder using steroids.

- A 34-year-old bodybuilder presented at the emergency room with fever, vomiting and muscle cramps that had started during a bodybuilding session. Several days before he started training he had used tablets and intramuscular injections containing the anabolic steroids: dehydro-chloro-methyltestosterone, boldenone and trenbolone. In addition, he had taken clenbuterol tablets, liothyronine tablets and subcutaneous injections of phosphatidylcholine. Laboratory investigations revealed massive rhabdomyolysis. The patient was treated with intravenous fluid replacement and sodium bicarbonate to alkalinize the urine. He recovered quickly and his renal function remained unaffected. ‘Doping’ among amateur athletes in the Netherlands occurs frequently. Apart from long term side-effects, doping can also cause acute health problems. Therefore it is important to ask about doping use during history taking in amateur athletes.

Randomized placebo-controlled trial of androgen effects on muscle and bone in men requiring long-term systemic glucocorticoid treatment

1 Jul 2003

Randomized placebo-controlled trial of androgen effects on muscle and bone in men requiring long-term systemic glucocorticoid treatment / Bronwyn A.L. Crawford, Peter Y. Liu, Mary T. Kean, Jane F. Bleasel, David J. Handelsman. - (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 88 (2003) 7 (1 July); p. 3167-3176)

  • PMID: 12843161
  • DOI: 10.1210/jc.2002-021827


Long-term glucocorticoid therapy in men is associated with loss of bone and muscle mass as well as a decrease in serum testosterone. We tested the effect of two androgens, testosterone and its minimally aromatizable analog nandrolone, on muscle mass (dual x-ray absorptiometry), muscle strength (knee flexion and extension by isokinetic dynamometry), bone mineral density (BMD), and quality of life (Qualeffo-41 questionnaire) in 51 men on a mean daily prednisone dose of 12.6 +/- 2.2 mg. Men were randomized, double blind, to testosterone (200 mg mixed esters), nandrolone decanoate (200 mg), or placebo given every fortnight by im injection for 12 months. At 12 months, both androgens increased muscle mass (mean change from baseline +3.5%, +5.8%, and -0.9% in testosterone, nandrolone, and placebo groups, respectively, P < 0.0001) and muscle strength (P < 0.05). Lumbar spine BMD increased significantly only in men treated with testosterone (4.7 +/- 1.1%, P < 0.01). There was no significant change in hip or total body BMD. Testosterone, but not nandrolone or placebo, improved overall quality of life (P < 0.001). These results suggest that androgen therapy may have a role in ameliorating adverse effects of glucocorticoid therapy such as muscle and bone loss and aromatization is necessary for androgen action on bone but not on muscle.

Rapid detection of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in urine and serum

23 May 2011

Rapid detection of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in urine and serum / M. Lönnberg, M. Andrén, G. Birgegård, M. Drevin, M. Garle, J. Carlsson. - (Analytical biochemistry (2012) 420 (15 January) : p. 101-114) doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2011.09.021. Epub 2011 Sep 29.

A rapid and easy-to-use test kit, EPO WGA MAIIA, which can be used for distinguishing various endogenous human erythropoietins (hEPOs) and several recombinant hEPO and EPO analogues, has been evaluated. The test is based on chromatographic separation of the glycosylated isoforms of EPO using wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and a sensitive immunoassay using anti-EPO carbon black nanostrings and image scanning for quantification. All of the reactions take place along the porous layer of a lateral flow microcolumn containing WGA and anti-EPO zones. The presence of molecules resembling hEPOs, such as Mircera, was detected by the aberrant affinity interaction with the antibody zone on the strip. It was possible to distinguish nine recombinant hEPOs expressed in hamster and human cell lines, as well as Aranesp and Mircera, from endogenous urine hEPO. The required amount of EPO in the samples, a few picograms, is very low compared with other methods for EPO isoform identification. This EPO isoform determination method opens the possibility to monitor recombinant EPO therapy for clinical research and seems to be a valuable candidate to the arsenal of EPO doping control tests.

Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping 1 (2000)

14 Nov 2000

Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping november 2000 / Segaar, C.A., Dam, J.G. van, Vervoorn, C. . - Arnhem : Audit Commissie Doping, 2000.
- half jaarlijkse rapportage aan de Algemene Vergadering NOC*NSF, het bestuur NOC*NSF, de Staatssecretaris van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS) en het bestuur van het Nederlands Centrum voor Dopingvraagstukken (NeCeDo).
- Afhankelijk van de rapportage periode zijn de gegevens over de periode 20-07-2000 tot 30-09-2000 of over de periode 01-01-2000 tot 30-09-2000 genoteerd.


- Taakstelling audit commissie doping
- Stand van zaken werkzaamheden audit commissie doping
- Verzoek aan bonden met betrekking tot rapportage periode
- Verzoek aan bonden met betrekking tot het aanleveren van uitslagen en sancties
- Beveiliging netwerk
- Toelichting schema rapportage
- Conclusies rapportage november 2000

Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping 10 (2004-2005)

7 Jun 2005

Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping : periode september 2004 t/m februari 2005 / C.A. Segaar, S.J.U. Veen-van der Wielen, C. van Bentum. - Arnhem : Audit Commissie Doping, 2005.
- Rapportage t.b.v. de Algemene vergadering NOC*NSF 7 juni 2005
- Halfjaarlijkse rapportage aan de Algemene Vergadering van NOC*NSF, het bestuur NOC*NSF, de staatssecretaris van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport en het bestuur van het NeCeDo.


- Leden Audit Commissie
- Jaarlijks 2 rapportages
- Bonden zonder categorie 1 of 2 topsportonderdelen
- Respons
- Uitslagen verrichte controles van september 2004 t/m februari 2005
- Nog openstaande zaken vanuit voorgaande rapportages
- Historisch overzicht, aantal zaken per rapportageperiode
- Openstaande zaken
- Afhandeling positieve uitslagen/weigeringen door sportbonden, al dan niet conform reglement
- Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping 18 mei 2004
- Historisch overzicht, aantal zaken per rapportage periode
- Rapporage Audit Commissie Doping 7 juni 2005

Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping 11 (2005)

15 Nov 2005

Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping : periode maart 2005 t/m augustus 2005 / C.A. Segaar, S.J.U. Veen-van der Wielen, C. van Bentum. - Arnhem : Audit Commissie Doping, 2005.
- Rapportage t.b.v. de Algemene vergadering NOC*NSF 15 november 2005
- Halfjaarlijkse rapportage aan de Algemene Vergadering van NOC*NSF, het bestuur NOC*NSF, de staatssecretaris van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport en het bestuur van het NeCeDo.


- Hoofdstuk 1 Inleiding
- Hoofdstuk 2 Gegevens verzameling
- Hoofdstuk 3 Toelichting overzichten
- Hoofdstuk 4 Bevindingen
- Hoofdstuk 5 Conclusies en aanbevelingen
- Bijlagen Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping Olympische bonden
Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping Niet-Olympische bonden
Overzicht verdeling dopingcontroles 2005

Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping 12 (2005)

23 May 2006

Rapportage 12 Audit Commissie Doping : periode september t/m december 2005 / M.I. van Dijk, S.J.U. Veen-van der Wielen, C. van Bentum. - Arnhem : Audit Commissie Doping, 2006.
- Rapportage t.b.v. de Algemene vergadering NOC*NSF 23 mei 2006.
- Halfjaarlijkse rapportage aan de Algemene Vergadering van NOC*NSF, de staatssecretaris van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport en het bestuur van de Dopingautoriteit.


- Hoofdstuk 1 Inleiding
- Hoofdstuk 2 Gegevens verzameling
- Hoofdstuk 3 Toelichting overzichten
- Hoofdstuk 4 Bevindingen
- Hoofdstuk 5 Conclusies en aanbevelingen
- Bijlage Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping 23 mei 2006

Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping 13 (2006)

8 May 2007

Rapportage 13 Audit Commissie Doping : periode januari t/m december 2006 / M.I. van Dijk, S.J.U. Veen-van der Wielen, C. van Bentum. - Arnhem : Audit Commissie Doping, 2007.
- Rapportage t.b.v. de Algemene vergadering NOC*NSF 8 mei 2007.
- Jaarlijkse rapportage aan de Algemene Vergadering van NOC*NSF, de staatssecretaris van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport en het bestuur van de Dopingautoriteit.


- Hoofdstuk 1 Inleiding
- Hoofdstuk 2 Gegevens verzameling en werkwijze
- Hoofdstuk 3 Toelichting overzichten
- Hoofdstuk 4 Bevindingen
- Hoofdstuk 5 Conclusies en aanbevelingen
- Bijlagen Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping Olympische bonden
Rapportage Audit Commissie Doping Niet-Olympische bonden
Overzicht verdeling dopingcontroles per bond 2006

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