CPLD 2005 FFHMFAC vs Respondent M01

10 Jan 2005

The French Federation of Weightlifting, Fitness, Powerlifting and Bodybuilding (Fédération Française d'Halterophilie, Musculation, Force Athlétique et Culturisme, FFHMFAC) charges respondent M01 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a contest on May 15, 2004, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. Analysis of the sample showed the presence of heptaminol which is a prohibited substance according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list.

The respondent had checked if the ingredients of a product he used were on the prohibited list. At that time heptaminol wasn't mentioned on the annexed list of April 20, 2004.

1. The respondent is acquitted.
2. The decision will be not be published
3. The decision will be sent to the parties involved.

Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of the plant cannabinoids, delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol and cannabinol

1 Jan 2005

Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of the plant cannabinoids, delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol and cannabinol / M.A. Huestis 

  • Cannabinoids, p. 657–690
  • Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology / James E. Barrett (Ed.). - Springer Verlag, 2005
  • ISBN: 978-3-540-26573-3
  • PMID: 16596792
  • DOI: 10.1007/3-540-26573-2_23


Increasing interest in the biology, chemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology of cannabinoids and in the development of cannabinoid medications necessitates an understanding of cannabinoid pharmacokinetics and disposition into biological fluids and tissues. A drug's pharmacokinetics determines the onset, magnitude, and duration of its pharmacodynamic effects. This review of cannabinoid pharmacokinetics encompasses absorption following diverse routes of administration and from different drug formulations, distribution of analytes throughout the body, metabolism by different tissues and organs, elimination from the body in the feces, urine, sweat, oral fluid, and hair, and how these processes change over time. Cannabinoid pharmacokinetic research has been especially challenging due to low analyte concentrations, rapid and extensive metabolism, and physicochemical characteristics that hinder the separation of drugs of interest from biological matrices--and from each other--and lower drug recovery due to adsorption of compounds of interest to multiple surfaces. delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive component of Cannabis sativa, and its metabolites 11-hydroxy-delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-nor-9-carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol are the focus of this chapter, although cannabidiol and cannabinol, two other cannabinoids with an interesting array of activities, will also be reviewed. Additional material will be presented on the interpretation of cannabinoid concentrations in human biological tissues and fluids following controlled drug administration.

Quality of illegal doping substances – an exploration of the quality of illegally traded doping substances and the health risks that accompany their use [2005]

1 Jan 2005

Kwaliteit van Illegale Dopingmiddelen Een inventarisatie van de kwaliteit van illegaal verhandelde dopinggeduide middelen en de gezondheidsrisico’s bij gebruik / Olivier de Hon, R. van Kleij. - Capelle aan den IJssel : Nederlands Centrum voor Dopingvraagstukken (NeCeDo), 2005

Quality of illegal doping substances – an exploration of the quality of illegally traded doping substances and the health risks that accompany their use / Olivier de Hon, R. van Kleij. - Capelle aan den IJssel : Nederlands Centrum voor Dopingvraagstukken (NeCeDo), 2005


Approximately six percent of the visitors of gymnasia and fitness centers have ever used doping in an effort to sculpture a more muscular and/or slimmer appearance. Although doping use by elite athletes receives the greatest attention by the media and the general public, from a public health point of view it is the group of cosmetic athletes who choose to use doping substances who are the most important target audience when drafting anti-doping policy. Health damage as a result of doping use may be caused by the side effects of the doping substances themselves, by the way in which these substances are used, or by the quality of the substances used. Up till now, there are very few concrete data on this quality.

Study design
The aim of this study is to gain a current and representative insight into the quality of illegally traded doping substances in the Netherlands and into the possible health damage as a result of doping use. In addition to an extensive literature search (of both
the scientific literature and the so-called “grey” literature or newspaper articles), 336 products were analysed for the presence of doping substances. Both doping users and experts in the field were interviewed (38 persons in total) and 14 discussion boards on
the internet were frequented in a period of 16 months.

Quality of illegal doping substances
The quality of doping substances that are illegally obtained is bad. At least 50-60% of the products does not contain what is declared on the label. Counterfeit products appear in all possible ways: other, comparable, substances are processed within the product or too little or even too much of the labelled substance can be found. In 7% of all analysed products not even a trace of an active substance could be identified.

Leaving some clumsily exceptions aside, there is no efficient practical manner in which a counterfeit product can be identified. This requires a laboratory analysis, but cosmetic athletes do not have these at their disposal. In practical terms this means that doping using athletes use a trial-and-error approach and regard a perceived improvement in strength and/or muscle mass as proof that they are not using counterfeit products. But athletes who are comforted by such a result also run risks: the quality of illegally traded doping substances varies immensely and a product that looks identical from the outside, with the same lot number and expiry date, may very well contain a completely different dosage.

The doping market
The core of the black market in doping substances apparently has not changed over the last few years: most of the used substances are anabolic steroids in order to gain muscle mass. In addition, substances are used to enhance the effects of anabolics, such as growth hormone and insulin. New developments that have been identified are a larger acceptance of the use of both insulin and precursors of anabolic steroids and a shift from amphetamines towards so-called “stackers” that contain ephedra.

Doping substances originate from all over the world. Rising sources are particularly countries from the Middle East (Iran, Iraq) and China. The internet seems to be more an informational source than an important source of actually acquiring these substances. There are some signs that a new kind of dealer is arising over the last few years, who is very much different from the traditional dealer who often combines the sale of doping substances with advices on dietary and training issues. This new kind of dealer often has no direct link with gyms or fitness centres.

Health damage by doping substances
The results of this study clearly indicate that the use of doping substances, illegally traded or not, can be associated with a large hidden health problem. This does not only originate from the side effects of the used substances, but also from the way in which they are used: in several combinations and often in very high (labelled) dosages. In addition to this, users of counterfeit products run extra risks. The dosages of these products are completely unpredictable, which means that the side effects that are
encountered are likewise unpredictable. In some instances, the lack of hygiene surrounding the places where these products are processed pose an additional health risk.

Notwithstanding these facts, many doping users are not aware of any health damage as a result of their use; they feel perfectly healthy. These doping users are in close contact with each other and fortify each other’s beliefs of “safe” use. The available research results and case studies that are published in medical literature on the possible health consequences of doping use (both light and severe) are trivialised, possibly because these athletes do not feel personally confronted by these results. This group of doping users can only be reached when they are confronted with arguments that affect them personally. This necessitates objective data on the health risks associated with doping use. This might be realized by confronting these athletes with their own health status or with the lack of quality of the substances they (consider to) use.

Health promotion activities
During the interviews several possible measures were raised with the intent to minimise doping use. A lot of doping users plea for officially decontrolling some doping substances for non-competitive athletes. These substances would be relatively safe to use in their opinion. Given the health risks that are nevertheless linked to such an approach, this does not seem to be a good solution, also because the existing medical guidelines in the Netherlands do not permit such an approach. Alternative measures, such as the installment of an official possibility to have doping substances tested in a laboratory prior to their use or the creation of medical health desks for doping related questions carry with them a disadvantage of an implicit message to promote doping use.

As long as there are no quantitative data available on the health damage that occurs as a result of doping use a well-balanced decision on the possible introduction of alternative approaches cannot be made. Acquiring such data should therefore be a priority. In the mean time both the cosmetic athletes and those who are closely involved in their athletic activities (e.g. fitness professionals and consulted doctors) need to be well-informed on all aspects of doping use, especially on the alternatives of doping use and on the risks that are involved when using counterfeit doping substances.


Ongeveer zes procent van de bezoekers aan sportscholen en fitnesscentra heeft ooit doping gebruikt met als doel om een gespierder en/of slanker uiterlijk te krijgen. Hoewel dopinggebruik in de topsport de grootste aandacht krijgt in de media en bij het grote publiek, zijn het de dopinggebruikende cosmetische sporters die vanuit een gezondheidsoogpunt de belangrijkste doelgroep vormen bij het formuleren van antidopingbeleid. Gezondheidsschade door dopinggebruik kan zich openbaren als gevolg van de bijwerkingen van de middelen zelf, van de wijze waarop deze middelen gebruikt worden en van de kwaliteit van de gebruikte middelen. Over deze kwaliteit zijn tot nu toe zeer weinig concrete gegevens bekend.

Het doel van dit onderzoek is een actueel en representatief inzicht te verkrijgen in de kwaliteit van illegaal verhandelde dopinggeduide middelen in Nederland en de mogelijke gezondheidsschade van gebruik. Naast een uitgevoerd literatuuronderzoek (zowel van de wetenschappelijke als van de “grijze” literatuur, zoals krantenberichten) zijn hiervoor 336 productverpakkingen geanalyseerd op de aanwezigheid van dopinggeduide middelen. Hiernaast zijn 38 interviews afgenomen bij gebruikers en andere ingevoerden en zijn 14 discussieforums op internet bezocht gedurende een periode van 16 maanden.

Kwaliteit van illegale dopingmiddelen
De kwaliteit van de illegaal te verkrijgen dopinggeduide middelen is slecht. Tenminste 50-60% van de producten levert niet wat op de verpakking staat gedeclareerd. Vervalsingen zijn er in alle vormen: er zitten andere, vergelijkbare stoffen in het product verwerkt of er zit te weinig of zelfs te veel van de werkzame stof in. In 7% van de gevallen is geen enkele werkzame stof in het product verwerkt. Enkele knullige uitzonderingen daargelaten, is er geen goede praktische manier om met een middel in de hand te bepalen of het betreffende middel een vervalsing is of niet. Een labanalyse is hiervoor de geëigende methode, maar cosmetische sporters hebben hier in de praktijk geen beschikking over. Vandaar dat in de praktijk vaak een trial-and-error benadering wordt gebruikt waarbij de mate van spier- en/of krachtgroei als bewijs wordt gezien dat het geen vervalsing betreft. Maar ook op deze manier gerustgestelde gebruikers lopen risico’s: de kwaliteit van de vervalste producten schommelt behoorlijk
en een product dat er vanaf de buitenkant hetzelfde uitziet, met onder ander hetzelfde batchnummer en dezelfde houdbaarheidsdatum, kan zeer verschillend gedoseerd zijn.

De gebruikersmarkt
De kern van de zwarte markt in dopingmiddelen is de afgelopen jaren ogenschijnlijk niet veranderd: het merendeel van de gebruikte middelen betreft anabole steroïden om extra spiermassa te verkrijgen. Daarnaast worden middelen gebruikt om het effect van de anabolen te vergroten, zoals groeihormoon en insuline. Nieuwe ontwikkelingen die zijn vastgesteld is een grotere acceptatie van het gebruik van insuline en precursors van anabole steroïden en een verschuiving van amfetaminegebruik naar zogenaamde “stackers” die ephedra bevatten.

De dopingmiddelen zijn afkomstig uit de hele wereld. Landen uit het Midden-Oosten zoals Iran en Irak zijn in opkomst als bronlanden, net als China. Internet lijkt vooralsnog meer een plek van informatievoorziening dan een belangrijke aankoopbron van middelen. Er zijn aanwijzingen dat er de afgelopen jaren een nieuw soort handelaar in opkomst is, als tegenpool van de traditionele handelaar die de verkoop van dopingmiddelen vaak combineert met het geven van voedings- en trainingsadviezen. Deze nieuwe handelaar heeft vaak geen directe binding met de sportschool- en fitnesswereld.

Gezondheidsschade door dopingmiddelen
De onderzoeksresultaten geven een indicatie dat het gebruik van dopinggeduide middelen, al dan niet van illegale oorsprong, geassocieerd kan worden met een fors verborgen gezondheidsprobleem. De gezondheidsrisico’s schuilen niet alleen in de bijwerkingen die de gebruikers van de middelen zelf kunnen krijgen, maar ook in de wijze waarop deze middelen worden gebruikt: in verschillende combinaties met vaak zeer hoge (gedeclareerde) doseringen. Bovendien brengt het gebruiken van vervalste dopingmiddelen extra risico’s met zich mee. De doseringen zijn volstrekt onvoorspelbaar, wat betekent dat ook de ondervonden bijwerkingen onvoorspelbaar worden. Een enkele keer vormen ook de onhygiënische omstandigheden waaronder de vervalsingen worden gemaakt een gezondheidsrisico.

Tegelijkertijd zijn er vele gebruikers die aangeven niets te merken van gezondheidsschade. Deze gebruikers hebben veel contact met elkaar en versterken elkaars ideeën over “veilig” gebruik. De onderzoeken en case studies die beschikbaar zijn in de medische literatuur over meer of mindere gezondheidsschade door dopinggebruik worden door deze groep gebagatelliseerd, wellicht omdat zij hier niet persoonlijk mee worden geconfronteerd. Deze gebruikersgroep zal pas bereikt kunnen worden als er argumenten worden aangedragen die hen persoonlijk raken. Hiervoor zijn objectieve gegevens over de gezondheidsrisico’s onontbeerlijk. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld gebeuren door sporters te confronteren met hun eigen gezondheidsstatus of door hen te wijzen op de gebrekkige kwaliteit van de middelen die zij (overwegen te) gebruiken.

Gezondheidsbevorderende maatregelen
Tijdens de interviews kwamen enkele mogelijke maatregelen naar voren om de gezondheidsschade als gevolg van dopinggebruik te minimaliseren. Veel gebruikers pleiten voor vrijgave van enkele, in hun ogen relatief veilige, dopingmiddelen voor sporters die niet aan wedstrijden meedoen. Gezien de gezondheidsrisico’s van de middelen zelf die hiermee toch gepaard gaan, lijkt dit geen goede oplossing en bovendien staan de bestaande medische gedragsregels op het gebied van doping dit niet toe. Alternatieve aanpakken, zoals de mogelijkheid creëren om illegaal verhandelde dopinggeduide middelen te laten testen in een laboratorium alvorens over te gaan tot gebruik of het instellen van medische loketten voor dopinggerelateerde gezondheidsvragen, hebben als nadeel dat zij juist dopinggebruik impliciet zouden kunnen stimuleren. Zolang er geen kwantitatief inzicht is in de gezondheidsschade die in Nederland optreedt als gevolg van het gebruik van dopinggeduide middelen kan er nog geen gefundeerde beslissing worden genomen of dit soort alternatieve aanpakken opportuun zijn. Het verdient dan ook prioriteit om dit inzicht te verkrijgen. In de tussentijd dienen de cosmetische sporters zelf en de mensen die hen bij hun sport begeleiden (zowel fitness professionals als de artsen die zij benaderen bij medische vragen) goed op de hoogte te zijn en te blijven van alle aspecten van dopinggebruik, met name van de alternatieven voor gebruik en van de risico’s die vervalste dopinggeduide middelen met zich meebrengen.

ANP News Archives - Press Releases Doping (2005 - present)

1 Jan 2005

ANP Persberichten Archief over dopingonderwerpen

Period: 2005 - present

Location: http://www.dopingautoriteit.nl/nieuws/anp/archief

WADA The 2005 Monitoring Program

1 Jan 2005


The following substances are placed on the 2004 Monitoring Program:

Stimulants: In-Competition Only: bupropioon, caffeine, phenylephrine,
phenylpropanolamine, pipradrol, pseudoephedrine, synephrine.

Narcotics: In-Competition Only: morphine/codeine ratio

*: "WADA, in consultation with other Signatories and governments, shall establish a monitoring program regarding substances which are not on the Prohibited List, but which WADA wishes to monitor in order to detect patterns of misuse in sport."

WADA - Play True Magazine (2005) - Gene Doping

1 Jan 2005

WADA - Play True Magazine
2005, issue 1
Gene Doping - Science and sport converge once again as medical research charts the complexities of genetic treatment.
A look at the facts, and the dangers of gene doping, and at what
WADA is doing to fight this new threat.

01 R.W. Pound: Taking the Lead

Cover story
02 Gene Doping
06 Gene Doping Projects Funded by WADA
07 Interview: Dr. Theodore Friedmann
08 WADA Gene Doping Panel
09 Gene Doping and Olympic Sport

13 WADA Governance and Government Support
15 Athlete Profile: Jacqui Cooper
17 Partner Profile: International Paralympic Committee

WADA Updates
19 New Social Science Fund
19 WADA Poster Series
20 Uruguay Symposium
20 List and Guide Release
20 UNESCO Convention
21 Staff Arrivals
21 Medications Booklet
21 Funding

WADA - Play True Magazine (2005) - Anti-Doping Administration & Management System

1 Jan 2005

WADA - Play True Magazine
2005, issue 2
Anti-Doping Administration & Management System - WADA’s new web-based database management tool comes online, providing the functionality and flexibility to help stakeholders coordinate their anti-doping activities and meet their responsibilities under the World Anti-Doping Code

01 R.W. Pound: The Next Steps

Cover story
06 The User’s Perspective

07 Athlete Focus: The WADA Athlete Committee
12 Athlete Focus: Outreach Activities
13 Athlete Focus: Janet Evans Profile
15 Partner Profile: International Association of Athletics Federations
17 Government Support

WADA Updates & Calendar
20 New Montevideo office
20 WADA DG contract renewal
20 2007 World Conference
21 Calendar

WADA - Play True Magazine (2005) - Harmonization

1 Jan 2005

WADA - Play True Magazine
2005, issue 3
Harmonization - How Sport and Government synchronize efforts to wage a comprehensive and global fight against doping.

01 R.W. Pound Editorial: Remembering why

Cover story
02 Harmonization
03 The mechanisms of harmonization
07 The mechanisms of harmonization (2)

05 Overview: The World Anti-doping Program (WADP)
09 Department profile: WADA Standards and Harmonization
10 Harmonization: An historic convention
11 USADA/USOC PSA Campaign
13 Athlete Focus: Sarah Ulmer

WADA Updates & Calendar
15 Web Site and Doping Quiz
15 China National Games
15 Doping Control DVD/Leaflet
16 2006 List and New Guide
16 Staff Announcements
16 Record Research Budget
17 Calendar

The relationship between goal orientation and attitudes toward doping in sport. Knowledge about and attitudes toward doping among Polish athletes

1 Jan 2005

The aims of the project were:
1/ to diagnose attitudes of athletes toward doping and determine if they are influenced by athlete’s age, sex, and kinds of sports discipline practised (individual vs. team sports)
2/ to examine the relationship between goal orientations and attitudes toward doping
3/ to diagnose knowledge about doping among Polish athletes

Knowledge of the athletes about doping and anti-doping policy
• Knowledge of Polish athletes concerning doping and anti-doping policy is unsatisfactory and its level is related to some socio-demographical variables, like gender, age, branch of sports discipline and length of sports career.
• Relatively better level of knowledge was observed in items concerning awareness of rights and duties of an athlete towards anti-doping controls
• Only minority of respondents drew their knowledge on doping from sources that could be regarded as reliable with reservation that internet which as the second in importance was not described in details (it can be a source of reliable knowledge promoted by anti-doping bodies, like the Polish Commission Against Doping in Sport, as well as source of web sites of doubtful value from the point of view of anti-doping policy)

Attitudes toward doping-free sport and anti-doping policy
• Direction of attitudes of examined athletes was positive, however its strength is moderate, which calls for more education which should be focused not only on cognitive aspects doping and anti-doping policy, but also on its ethical issues including argumentation in aid of maintaining anti-doping policy.
• The most favourable was attitude toward anti-doping controls, the least - in attitude toward sanctions. This discrepancy was best illustrated by one of the athletes who expressed their opinion in the space provided: “Anti-doping controls should be more frequent but sanctions for taking performance-enhancing drugs should be eased”
• Attitudes turned out to be influenced by some socio-demographical variables, especially gender and age, and not by branch of sport, however, more research is needed in this respect.

Relationship between goal orientations and attitudes toward doping
• A high task, low ego achievement goal orientation profile is most positively associated with attitudes toward doping and anti-doping policy.
• With increase in task orientation increase, while with increase in ego orientation decrease in strength attitude was observed.
• The results suggest that creating a motivational climate which promotes task orientation may be important not only for maintaining long term motivation toward practising sport and for sportpersonship, but also for attitudes toward doping and anti-doping policy

Cannabis use to enhance sportive and non-sportive performances among French sport students.

1 Jan 2005

Lorente FO, Peretti-Watel P, Grelot L.
Addict Behav. 2005 Aug;30(7):1382-91.
UPRES EA 3285 (Department of Physiology) and IFR 107 Marey, 163, avenue de Luminy, case 910 Faculty of Sport Sciences Marseilles, University of the Mediterranean, Marseilles, France. lorente@staps.univ-mrs.fr

Despite a large public health interest in substance use among athletes, only a few works have addressed illicit drug use in relation with sport practice. We have studied cannabis use to enhance both sportive and non-sportive performance among French sport university students.

An anonymous self-reported questionnaire was administered to a sample of students from six Sport Science Universities from Southern France. Information on sport practice and cannabis
use (frequency, quantity, motives) was collected.

Males were more prone to have already used cannabis to enhance non-sportive performance as well as sportive performance. The simultaneous equation model indicated that both kinds of enhancing-substance use were endogenous: cannabis use to enhance sportive performance leads to cannabis use to enhance non-sportive performance and reciprocally. Moreover, the relaxing properties of cannabis may be frequently used to enhance performance. Cannabis use to enhance sportive performance was positively related to the competitive level and to sliding sports.

The present study helps to improve understanding on an empirical paradox about the relationship between doping agents use and so-called 'recreational' drug use among athletes. Indeed, people who use doping agents may also use 'recreational' drugs for a 'non-recreational' purpose.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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