AFLD 2012 FFSCDA vs Respondent M109

5 Dec 2012

The French Federation for Contact Sport and Associated Disciplines (Fédération Française de Sports de Contact et Disciplines Associées, FFSCDA) charges respondent M109 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a kick-boxing championship on March 31, 2012, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis showed the presence of a metabolite of cannabis. Cannabis is a prohibited substance according the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list and is regarded as a specified substance.

Respondent admits to have used the prohibited substance in the period before the doping test. There was no intention to enhance sport performance, it was used because the respondent went through a bad period.

1. The sanction is a period of six months of ineligibility in which respondent can't take part in competition or manifestations organized by the FFSCDA.
2. The period of ineligibility will be reduced by the period already served by the decision of August 8, 2012, of the disciplinary committee of the FFSCDA.
3. The decision of August 8, 2012, of the disciplinary committee of the FFSCDA will be modified.
4. The decision starts on the date of notification.
5. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2012 FFTT vs Respondent M108

5 Dec 2012

The French Table Tennis Federation (Fédération Française de Tennis de Table, FFTT) charges respondent M108 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Code. During a match on March 25, 2012, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample highlighted the presence of hydrochlorothiazide. Hydrochlorothiazide is a prohibited substances according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list, it is regarded as a specified substances.

The cause of the positive test is a medicine the respondent used against high blood pressure, the respondent provided medical statements as proof of this condition.

1. The respondent receives a warning.
2. The results obtained at the match on March 25, 2011, are cancelled. Medals, points and prizes are withdrawn.
3. The decision will start on the date of notification.
4. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2012 FFHMFAC vs Respondent M106

22 Nov 2012

The French Federation of Weightlifting, Fitness, Powerlifting and Bodybuilding (Fédération Française d'Halterophilie, Musculation, Force Athlétique et Culturisme, FFHMFAC) charges respondent M106 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a bodybuilding event on May 27, 2012, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample showed the presence of clenbuterol. Clenbuterol is a prohibited substance according the World Anti-Doping Agency prohibited list.

The respondent didn't provide any information about how the prohibited substances had entered his body.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of three years in which respondent can't take part in competition or manifestations organized or authorized by the French sport federations.
2. The period of ineligibility will be reduced by the period already served in voluntary suspension and the period of the decision dated July 4, 2012, of the disciplinary committee of the FFHMFAC.
3. The decision dated July 4, 2012, of the disciplinary committee of the FFHMFAC will be modified.
4. The decision starts on the date of notification.
5. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2012 FFFA vs Respondent M105

22 Nov 2012

The French Football Federation (Fédération Française de Football Américain, FFFA) charges respondent M105 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a match on April 15, 2012, a sample was taken for doping control purposes. The analysis showed the presence of a metabolite of cannabis. Cannabis is a prohibited substance according the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list and is regarded as a specified substance.

The athlete was selected for the wrong doping control the match he played in was not scheduled for a doping control.

1. The athlete is acquitted.
2. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2013 FFTDA vs Respondent M104

22 Nov 2012

The French Taekwondo Federation (Fédération Française de Taekwondo et Disciplines Associées, FFTDA) charges respondent M104 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a match on February 4, 2012, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample showed the presence of a metabolite of cannabis. Cannabis is a prohibited substance according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list. Cannabis is regarded as a specified substance.

The respondent had used the cannabis in a recreational setting, without intention to enhance sport performance.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of six months, in which the respondent can't take part in competition or manifestations organized by the FFTDA.
2. All results obtained at the match on February 4, 2012 are cancelled. Medals, points and prizes are withdrawn.
3. The decision will start on the date of notification.
4. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2012 FFHMFAC vs Respondent M103

22 Nov 2012

The French Federation of Weightlifting, Fitness, Powerlifting and Bodybuilding (Fédération Française d'Halterophilie, Musculation, Force Athlétique et Culturisme, FFHMFAC) charges respondent M103 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a weightlifting event on May 27, 2012, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample showed the presence of boldenone and it's metabolites, canrenone, mesterolone and it's metabolites, nandrolone and it's metabolites, testosterone on epitestosterone in an abnormal high level (spectro analysis shows exogenous metabolites of testosterone), trenbolone and it's metabolites. These substances are prohibited according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list.

The respondent didn't provide any information about how the prohibited substances had entered his body.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of four years in which respondent can't take part in competition or manifestations organized or authorized by the French sport federations.
2. The period of ineligibility will be reduced by the period already served in voluntary suspension and the period of the decision dated august 7, 2012, of the disciplinary committee of the FFHMFAC.
3. The decision dated august 7, 2012, of the disciplinary committee of the FFHMFAC will be modified.
4. The decision starts on the date of notification.
5. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2012 FFHG vs Respondent M102

22 Nov 2012

The French Ice Hockey Federation (Fédération Française de Hockey sur Glace, FFHG) charges respondent M102 for a violaton of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a match on February 25, 2012 a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample showed the presence of a metabolite of cannabis. Cannabis is a prohibited substance according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list and is regarded as a specified substance.

The respondent indicates he will quit his sport career and move to Australia for an indefinite time.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of six months in which the respondent can't take place in competition or manifestations organized or authorized by the FFHG.
2. The period of ineligibility will be reduced by the period already served by the decision dated May 16, 2012, from the disciplinary committee of the FFHG.
3. The decision dated May 16, 2012, from the disciplinary committee of the FFHG will be modified.
4. The decision will start on the date of notification.
5. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2012 FFHG vs Respondent M101

22 Nov 2012

The French Ice Hockey Federation (Fédération Française de Hockey sur Glace, FFHG) charges respondent M101 for a violaton of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a match on February 19, 2012 a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample showed the presence of a metabolite of cannabis. Cannabis is a prohibited substance according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list and is regarded as a specified substance.

The respondent didn't use the prohibited substance to enhance his sport performance.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of six months in which the respondent can't take place in competition or manifestations organized or authorized by the FFHG.
2. The period of ineligibility will be reduced by the period already served by the decision dated May 16, 2012, from the disciplinary committee of the FFHG.
3. The decision dated May 16, 2012, from the disciplinary committee of the FFHG will be modified.
4. The decision will start on the date of notification.
5. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2012 FFBB vs Respondent M100

8 Nov 2012

The French Basketball Federation (Fédération Française de Basket-Ball, FFBB) charges respondent M100 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a match on March 21, 2012, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample showed the presence of furosemide. Furosemide is a prohibited substance according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list and is regarded as a specified substance.

The respondent did use medication with the prohibited substance, but was unaware that it had contained the prohibited substance. However she couldn't provide any document as proof for using it for medical reasons.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of six months in which respondent can't take part in competition or manifestations organized or authorized by the FFBB.
2. The decision dated July 11, 2012, from the disciplinary committee of the FFBB will be modified.
3. The decision will start on the date of notification.
4. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2012 FFC vs Respondent M99

8 Nov 2012

The French Cycling Federation (Fédération Française de Cyclisme, FFC) charges respondent M99 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a cycling event on June 26, 2012, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The sample tested positive on the prohibited substance triamcinolone. Triamcinolone is a prohibited substance according the World Anti-Doping Agency prohibited list and is regarded as a specified substance.

The respondent took medicine to treat a chronicle cold in the nose, he has a certificate from his physician to state this condition.

1. The respondent is acquitted.
2. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

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