Voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport : enquête onder topsporters [1993]

1 Jan 1993

Voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport : enquête onder top sporters / samenst. P.L.S. van Steed; red. C. Vervoorn, E. van Kernebeek, E.N. Vrijman. - i.o.v. Nederlands Centrum voor Dopingvraagstukken (NeCeDo) ; i.s.m. Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Gezondheid (NISG) ; Nederlands Olympisch Comité*Nederlandse Sport Federatie (NOC*NSF). - Arnhem : NeCeDo, 1993

Education about doping and medication use in elite sports : survey of elite athletes / ed. P.L.S. van Steen, C. Vervoorn, E. van Kernebeek, E.N. Vrijman. - National Institute for Sports Health care ; Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs ; Netherlands Olympic Committee * Netherlands Sports Confederation. - Arnhem : NeCeDo, 1993

Vermeld worden de opzet en de resultaten van een enquête onder 1246 Nederlandse topsporters. Deze enquête werd in 1993, in opdracht van NeCeDo, door het NISG uitgevoerd. Uit de enquête komt naar voren dat de voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport door de Nederlandse topsporters zelf noodzakelijk wordt geacht.

Voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport : hoe trainers en coaches bij kunnen dragen aan de voorlichting [1993]

1 Jan 1993

Voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport : hoe trainers en coaches bij kunnen dragen aan de voorlichting / samenst. P.L.S. van Steed; red. C. Vervoorn, E. van Kernebeek, E.N. Vrijman. - i.o.v. Nederlands Centrum voor Dopingvraagstukken (NeCeDo) ; i.s.m. Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Gezondheid (NISG) ; Nederlands Olympisch Comité*Nederlandse Sport Federatie (NOC*NSF). - Arnhem : NeCeDo, 1993

Education about doping and medication use in elite sports : how trainers and coaches can contribute to education / ed. P.L.S. van Steen, C. Vervoorn, E. van Kernebeek, E.N. Vrijman. - National Institute for Sports Health care ; Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs ; Netherlands Olympic Committee * Netherlands Sports Confederation. - Arnhem : NeCeDo, 1993

In een inleiding wordt ingegaan over de rol die trainers en coaches kunnen spelen in de voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik de de topsport. Het is de bedoeling dat in de komende jaren het NeCeDo, in samenwerking met de Nederlandse Federatie van Werkers in de Sport (NFWS), een aantal artikelen gaat publiceren waarmee trainers en coaches geholpen worden bij het leveren van een bijdrage aan voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport. Naast een eerste artikel in deze serie zijn een aantal artikelen opgenomen over het onderwerp doping dat reeds eerder in het blad 'Coach'van de NFWS werd gepubliceerd.

Voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport : uitleg over de verschillende dopinggroepen en - methoden [1993]

1 Jan 1993

Voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport : uitleg over de verschillende dopinggroepen en – methoden / samenst. P.L.S. van Steed; red. C. Vervoorn, E. van Kernebeek, E.N. Vrijman. - i.o.v. Nederlands Centrum voor Dopingvraagstukken (NeCeDo) ; i.s.m. Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Gezondheid (NISG) ; Nederlands Olympisch Comité*Nederlandse Sport Federatie (NOC*NSF). - Arnhem : NeCeDo, 1993

Education about doping and medication use in elite sports : explanation about the different doping groups and methods / ed. P.L.S. van Steen, C. Vervoorn, E. van Kernebeek, E.N. Vrijman. - National Institute for Sports Health care ; Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs ; Netherlands Olympic Committee * Netherlands Sports Confederation. - Arnhem : NeCeDo, 1993

Behandeld worden interessante wetenswaardigheden over het dopingbeleid en de reglementen van de internationale sportfederatie. Opgenomen zijn ook een set informatiebladen waarin per dopinggroep en dopingmethode nader op de werking en bijwerking van de middelen en methoden wordt ingegaan.

Voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport : samenvatting en conclusies van het voorbereidend onderzoek [1993]

1 Jan 1993

Voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de topsport : samenvatting en conclusies van het voorbereidend onderzoek / samenst. P.L.S. van Steen; red. C. Vervoorn, E. van Kernebeek, E.N. Vrijman. - i.o.v. Nederlands Centrum voor Dopingvraagstukken (NeCeDo) ; i.s.m. Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Gezondheid (NISG) ; Nederlands Olympisch Comité*Nederlandse Sport Federatie (NOC*NSF). - Arnhem : NeCeDo, 1993

Education about doping and medication use in elite sports : summary and conclusions about the preliminary investigation / ed. P.L.S. van Steen, C. Vervoorn, E. van Kernebeek, E.N. Vrijman. - National Institute for Sports Health care ; Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs ; Netherlands Olympic Committee * Netherlands Sports Confederation. - Arnhem : NeCeDo, 1993

Behandeld worden de samenvatting en conclusies van het voorbereidend onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van de voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik in de sport. In opdracht van het NeCeDo heeft ir. E. van Kernebeek van het Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Gezondheid (NISG) dit onderzoek uitgevoerd. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat voorlichting over doping en medicijngebruik zinvol is om de gesignaleerde kennisproblemen bij de risicogroepen en 'hun omgeving' op te heffen. Het rapport beschrijft voorts de in eerste instantie te volgen voorlichtingsaanpak.

The Internet and drug markets

11 Feb 2016

The Internet and drug markets / Jane Mounteney, Alessandra Bo, Alberto Oteo. - Lisbon : European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), 2016

  • ISBN: 978-92-9168-841-8
  • DOI: 10.2810/324608


The last decade has seen the emergence of new internet technologies that have acted as important facilitators of online drug markets. The internet now hosts a range of virtual marketplaces (both on the surface and deep web) for selling and buying illicit substances, as well as representing a new arena for health and law enforcement interventions. This first EMCDDA investigation into the world of online drug markets brings together state-of-the-art input from over 20 experts - from academia, journalism and frontline practice - and contributes to the knowledge base on this part of the supply chain.


  • CHAPTER 1: The internet and drug markets: shining a light on these complex and dynamic systems
    * Jane Mounteney, Alberto Oteo and Paul Griffiths
    • SECTION I: Dark net cryptomarkets
  • CHAPTER 2: Cryptomarkets and the future of illicit drug markets
    * Judith Aldridge and David Décary-Hétu
  • CHAPTER 3: Tor and links with cryptomarkets
    * Andrew Lewman
  • CHAPTER 4: Staying in the shadows: the use of bitcoin and encryption in cryptomarkets
    * Joseph Cox
  • CHAPTER 5: Reputation is everything: the role of ratings, feedback and reviews in cryptomarkets
    * Joseph Cox
    • SECTION II: Dark net markets — key actor perspectives
  • CHAPTER 6: Silk Road: insights from interviews with users and vendors
    * Eileen Ormsby
  • CHAPTER 7: The emergence of deep web marketplaces: a health perspective
    * Fernando Caudevilla
  • CHAPTER 8: The drug trade on the deep web: a law enforcement perspective
    * Joost van Slobbe
  • CHAPTER 9: How the use of the internet is affecting drug trafficking practices
    * Anita Lavorgna
    • SECTION III: Surface web markets and social media
  • CHAPTER 10: A method for exploring the number of online shops selling new psychoactive substances: initial I-TREND project results
    * Magali Martinez, Daniela Kmetonyová and Vendula Běláčková
  • CHAPTER 11: Online supply of medicines to illicit drug markets: situation and responses
    * Lynda Scammell and Alessandra Bo
  • CHAPTER 12: Social media and drug markets
    * Danica Thanki and Brian Frederick
    • SECTION IV: Insights and implications
  • CHAPTER 13: What is the future for internet drug markets?
    * Jane Mounteney, Paul Griffiths and Liesbeth Vandam

Pharmacological effects of meldonium : Biochemical mechanisms andbiomarkers of cardiometabolic activity

2 Feb 2016

Pharmacological effects of meldonium : Biochemical mechanisms andbiomarkers of cardiometabolic activity / Maija Dambrovaa, Marina Makrecka-Kukaa, Reinis Vilskersts, Elina Makarovaa, Janis Kukaa, Edgars Liepinshaa. - (Pharmacological Research 15 (2016, 2 February) p. 1-10) doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2016.01.019
PMID: 26850121


Meldonium (mildronate; 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium)propionate; THP; MET-88) is a clinically used cardioprotective drug, which mechanism of action is based on the regulation of energy metabolism pathways through l-carnitine lowering effect. l-Carnitine biosynthesis enzyme γ-butyrobetaine hydroxylase and carnitine/organic cation transporter type 2 (OCTN2) are the main known drug targets of meldonium, and through inhibition of these activities meldonium induces adaptive changes in the cellular energy homeostasis. Since l-carnitine is involved in the metabolism of fatty acids, the decline in its levels stimulates glucose metabolism and decreases concentrations of l-carnitine related metabolites, such as long-chain acylcarnitines and trimethylamine-N-oxide. Here, we briefly reviewed the pharmacological effects and mechanisms of meldonium in treatment of heart failure, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Mildronate (Meldonium) in professional sports : monitoring doping control urine samples using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography - high resolution/high accuracy mass spectrometry

5 Apr 2015

Mildronate (Meldonium) in professional sports : monitoring doping control urine samples using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography - high resolution/high accuracy mass spectrometry / Christian Görgens, Sven Guddat, Josef Dib, Hans Geyer, Wilhelm Schänzer, Mario Thevis. - (Drug Testing and Analysis 7 (2015) 11-12 (November-December) p. 973-979)

  • DOI: 10.1002/dta.1788


- Introduction
- Experimental
• Chemicals and reagents
• Synthesis of labelled IS
• Sample preparation
* Initial testing
* Confirmatory analysis
• Method validation
• Routine doping control samples
- Results and discussion
• Mass spectrometry
• Liquid chromatography
• Method validation
• Routine doping control samples
- Conclusion


To date, substances such as Mildronate (Meldonium) are not on the radar of anti-doping laboratories as the compound is not explicitly classified as prohibited. However, the anti-ischemic drug Mildronate demonstrates an increase in endurance performance of athletes, improved rehabilitation after exercise, protection against stress, and enhanced activations of central nervous system (CNS) functions.
In the present study, the existing evidence of Mildronate’s usage in sport,which is arguably not exclusively) based onmedicinal reasons, is corroborated by unequivocal analytical data allowing the estimation of the prevalence and extent of misuse in professional sports. Such data are vital to support decision-making processes, particularly regarding the ban on drugs in sport. Due to the growing body of evidence (black market products and athlete statements) concerning its misuse in sport, adequate test methods for the reliable identification of Mildronate are required, especially since the substance has been added to the 2015 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) monitoring program.
In the present study, two approaches were established using an in-house synthesized labelled internal standard (Mildronate-D3). One aimed at the implementation of the analyte into routine doping control screening methods to enable its monitoring at the lowest possible additional workload for the laboratory, and another that is appropriate for the peculiar specifics of the analyte, allowing the unequivocal confirmation of findings using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-high resolution/high accuracy mass spectrometry (HILIC-HRMS). Here, according to applicable regulations in sports drug testing, a full qualitative validation was conducted. The assay demonstrated good specificity, robustness (rRT=0.3%), precision (intra-day: 7.0–8.4%; inter-day: 9.9–12.9%), excellent linearity (R>0.99) and an adequate lower limit of detection (<10 ng/mL).

Nonlinear pharmacokinetic properties of mildronate capsules: a randomized, open-label, single- and multiple-dose study in healthy volunteers

18 May 2011

Nonlinear pharmacokinetic properties of mildronate capsules: a randomized, open-label, single- and multiple-dose study in healthy volunteers / Jun Zhang, Li-Jing Cai, Jian Yang, Qi-Zhi Zhang, Wen-Xing Peng. – (Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 23 (2013) 1 (February) p. 120-128)

  • doi: 10.1111/j.1472-8206.2011.00962.x. Epub 2011 Jun 16.


Mildronate has been used as antianginal drug in parts of Europe for many years, but its pharmacokinetic (PK) properties in humans remain unclear. This study was designed to assess and compare the PK properties of mildronate capsules after single escalating oral dose and multiple doses in healthy Chinese volunteers. Volunteers were randomly assigned to receive a single dose of 250, 500, 1000, 1250 or 1500 mg of mildronate capsules. Those who received the 500-mg dose continued on the multiple-dose phase and received 500 mg three times a day for 13 days. Plasma drug concentrations were analysed by ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). Tolerability was assessed throughout the study. A total of 40 Chinese volunteers were enrolled in the study. No period or sequence effect was observed. Area under the concentration and C(max) were increased proportionally with the dose levels, whereas t(1/2) and V(d)/f were dependent on the dose. Nonlinear PK properties were found at doses of 250-1500 mg. There was an accumulation after multiple-dose administration. No serious adverse events (AEs) were reported in the PK study. The formulation was well tolerated.

The symbiotic evolution of anti-doping and supply chains of doping substances: how criminal networks may benefit from anti-doping policy

26 Nov 2014

The symbiotic evolution of anti-doping and supply chains of doping substances: how criminal networks may benefit from anti-doping policy / Bertrand Fincoeur, Katinka van de Ven, Kyle J.D. Mulrooney. - (Trends in Organised Crime 18 (2015) 3 (September) p. 229-250)

  • Doi: 10.1007/s12117-014-9235-7


Doping in sport has been explored predominantly from a user-perspective, widely neglecting an analysis of the supply-side of the market for doping products. In this article, we aim to fill a gap in the existing literature by demonstrating that the supply chains of doping substances have evolved over the course of the past two decades, not least due to the zero tolerance approach of anti-doping policy. Specifically, adopting the case studies of (elite) cycling and recreational weight-training (RWT) and bodybuilding (BB), we outline how the supply chains for performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs) have shifted away from “culturally embedded dealers” and into new organizational structures independent from these sub-cultures. We maintain that the evolution of doping supply mirrors the evolution of doping use; whereas doping was previously the result of a socialization process, and PIED suppliers were a cultural product, consumption is now often a secretive practice and “social suppliers” are no longer prepared to take risks in (openly) supplying doping products. Consequently, the increasingly clandestine nature of doping practices has led consumers to increasingly consider the “black market” as a potential source for PIEDs. Most importantly, this shift in doping supply chains has led to greater inequality among athletes, increased health risks and the rise of suppliers devoid of sociocultural characteristics. We suggest that as the current anti-doping regime, focused predominantly on punishment and control, continues unabated these unintended negative consequences are likely to increase. As several countries have begun to rethink their position on the criminalization of drugs and drug users, it is time to rethink our approach to curbing the problem of doping in sports.

Perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in junior athletes

15 Jul 2015

Perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in junior athletes / Daniel J. Madigan, Joachim Stoeber, Louis Passfield. – (Journal of Sports Sciences 34 (2015) 8 (15 July) p. 700-706)
DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2015.1068441


Recent theory and research suggest that perfectionism is a personal factor contributing to athletes’ vulnerability to doping (using banned substances/drugs to enhance sporting performance). So far, however, no study has examined what aspects of perfectionism suggest a vulnerability in junior athletes. Employing a cross-sectional design, this study examined perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in 129 male junior athletes (mean age 17.3 years) differentiating four aspects of perfectionism: perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, parental pressure to be perfect, and coach pressure to be perfect. In the bivariate correlations, only parental pressure showed a positive relationship with positive doping attitudes. In a multiple regression analysis controlling for the overlap between the four aspects, perfectionistic strivings additionally showed a negative relationship. Moreover, a structural equation model examining the relationships between all variables suggested that coach pressure had a negative indirect effect on attitudes towards doping via perfectionistic strivings. The findings indicate that perceived parental pressure to be perfect may be a factor contributing to junior athletes’ vulnerability to doping, whereas perfectionistic strivings may be a protective factor.

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