AFLD 2011 UFOLEP vs Respondent M36

14 Apr 2011

French Federation for Public Physical Education (Union Française des Oeuvres Laïques d'Éducation Physique, UFOLEP) charges respondent M36 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a cycling event on September 5, 2010, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. His sample tested positive on betamethasone, (metabolites of) fenetylline, parahydroxyamphetamine, D-Ampethamine, L-amphetamine, and a metabolite of nandrolone. These substances are prohibited according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list.

The respondent acknowledged the use of these substances which he used to treat an injured leg.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of four years in which the respondent can't take part in competition or manifestation organized or authorized by the French sport federations.
2. All results obtained at the cycling event on September 5, 2010, will be cancelled. Medals, points and prizes are withdrawn.
3. The decision starts on the date of notification.
4. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2011 FFSU vs Respondent M35

31 Mar 2011

The French University Sport Federation (Fédération Française du Sport Universitaire, FFSU) charges respondent M35 or a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a weightlifting event on March 12, 2010, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample showed the presence of a metabolite of oxymetholone and an abnormal high level testosterone in relation to epitestosterone. A spectrometric report on isotopes reveals testosterone of exogenous origin. These substances are prohibited substances according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

The respondent didn't provide any explanation about how the prohibited substances had entered his body.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of two years in which respondent can't take part in competition or manifestation organized or authorized by the French sport federations.
2. The decision, dated October 7, 2010, from the disciplinary committee of the FFSU is cancelled.
3. All the results obtained at the weightlifting event on March 12, 2010, are cancelled. Medals, points and prizes are withdrawn.
4. The decision will start on the date of the notification.
5. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2011 FFBB vs Respondent M34

31 Mar 2011

The French Basketball Federation (Fédération Française de Basket-Ball, FFBB) charges respondent M34 or a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. On April 10, 2010, a doping test he had to attent to was not performed.

The respondent arrived to late for the doping test due to some official obligations, he also didn't sign the doping control papers.

1. The decision is a period of ineligibility of six months in which respondent can't take part in competition or manifestations organized or authorized by the FFBB.
2. The decision (acquittal) dated September 3, 2010, from the disciplinary committee of the FFBB is cancelled.
3. The decision starts on the date of notification.
4. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

CONI 2007_19 WADA vs FIR & Mirko Deflorian

15 Dec 2008

The Federazione Italiana Rugby (FIR), the Italian Rugby Federation, has reported an anti-doping rule violation against the Athlete Mirko Deflorian after his sample tested positive for the prohibited substance cocaine. After notification the Athlete was provisional suspended and heard for the FIR National Sport Judge. The Athlete admitted the violation due to a cigarette he had smoked at a festival before the doping test.
The FIR Federal Appeal Court considered the Athlete with no significant negligence and without intention to enhance sport performance and decided on 24 October 2007 to impose a 1 year period of ineligibility on the Athlete.

Hereafter WADA appealed the decision of the FIR Federal Appeal Court with the CONI Anti-Doping Supreme Court. WADA requested to set aside the decision of the FIR Federal Appeal Court and argued there were no grounds to impose a less severe sanction on the Athlete.

The CONI Anti-Doping Supreme Court concludes that the Athlete acted negligently and decides on 4 December 2007 to impose a 2 year period of ineligibility on the Athlete.

CONI 2007_18 WADA vs FPI & Elga Comastri

4 Dec 2007

The Federazione Pugilistica Italiana (FPI), the Italian Boxing Federation, has reported an anti-doping rule violation against the Athlete Elga Comastri after her A and B samples tested positive for the prohibited substance cocaine. The Athlete admitted she used cocaine a few days prior to the doping test.
Due to no significant negligence the FPI Federal Appeal Court decided on 24 October 2007 to impose a 1 year period of ineligibility on the Athlete.

On 2 November 2007 WADA appealed the decision of the FPI Federal Appeal Court with the CONI Anti-Doping Supreme Court.
WADA requested to set aside the decision of the FPI Federal Appeal Court and argued there were no grounds to impose a less severe sanction on the Athlete.
Considering the circumstances the CONI Anti-Doping Supreme Court decides to set aside the decision of the FPI Federals Appeal Court and to impose a 20 month period of ineligibility on the Athlete.

AFLD 2011 FFJDA vs Respondent M33

31 Mar 2011

The French Federation for Judo, Jujitsu, Kendo and Associated Disciplines (Fédération Française de Judo, Jujitsu, Kendo et Disciplines Associées FFJDA) charges respondent M33 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. The respondent didn't provide his whereabouts data within 18 months, as being part of the registered testing pool he is obligated to provide this information.

The respondent didn't gave any reason for not providing his whereabouts information.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of nine months in which the respondent can't take part in competition or manifestation organized by the FFJDA.
2. The period of ineligibility will be reduced by the period already served by the decision (3 months period of ineligibility), dated October 18, 2010, from the disciplinary committee of the FFJDA.
3. The decision, dated October 18, 2010, from the disciplinary committee of the FFJDA will be modified.
4. The decision start on the date of notification.
5. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2011 FFSU vs Respondent M32

31 Mar 2011

The French University Sport Federation (Fédération Française du Sport Universitaire, FFSU) charges respondent M32 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a beach-volley tournament on June 10, 2010, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample showed the presence of a metabolite of cannabis. Cannabis is a prohibited substance according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and is regarded as specified substances.

The respondent didn't provide any explanation about how the prohibited substance had entered his body.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of one year in which respondent can't take part in competition or manifestation organized or authorized by the FFSU, as pronounced in the decision, dated October 7, 2010, by the disciplinary committee of the FFSU. The sanction is extended to related French sport federations.
2. The period of ineligibility will be reduced by the period already served by the decision, dated October 7, 2010, from the disciplinary committee of the FFSU.
3. The decision will start on the date of the notification.
4. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

CONI 2007_17 WADA vs FPI & Eugenio Indaco

5 Nov 2007

The Federazione Pugilistica Italiana (FPI), the Italian Boxing Federation, has reported an anti-doping rule violation against the minor Athlete Eugenio Indaco after his sample tested positive for the prohibited substance furosemide. After notification the Athlete was provisional suspended and heard for the FPI National Sport Judge.

Considering the circumstances, the young age of the Athlete and no significant negligence, the FPI National Sport Judge decided on 11 April 2007 to impose a 1 year period of ineligibility.
WADA appealed the decision of the National Sport Judge with the FPI Federal Appeal Court, which confirmed on 24 September 2007 the previous Decision of 11 April 2007 and dismissed WADA’s appeal.

Hereafter, on 11 October 2007, WADA appealed the decision of the FPI Federal Appeal Court with the Anti-Doping Supreme Court of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI).
WADA requested to set aside the decision of the FPI Federal Appeal Court and argued there were no grounds to impose a less severe sanction on the Athlete.

The Anti-Doping Tribunal concludes that there are in this case no grounds for reduction under the rules. Therefore on 5 November 2007 the CONI Anti-Doping Supreme Court decides to set aside the decision of the FPI Federal Appeal Court and to impose a 2 year period of ineligibility on the Athlete.

AFLD 2011 FFHB vs Respondent M31

31 Mar 2011

The French Handball Federation (Fédération Française de Handball, FFHB) charges respondent M31 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a match on May 29, 2010, a sample was taken for doping test purposes. The analysis of the sample showed the presence of a metabolite of cannabis above the threshold value but in a low concentration. Cannabis is a prohibited substance according the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited list. Cannabis is regarded as a specified substance.

The respondent used cannabis a few days before the doping test, and the consumption should be regarded as exceptional. There was no intention to enhance sport performances.

1. The sanction is a period of ineligibility of three months in which respondent can't take part in competition or manifestation organized by the FFHB.
2. The period of ineligibility will be reduced by the period already served by the decision (2 months period of ineligibility) dated November 5, 2010, of the disciplinary committee of the FFHB.
3. The decision dated November 5, 2010, of the disciplinary committee of the FFHB will be modified.
4. The decision starts on the date of notification.
5. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

AFLD 2011 FFSquash vs Respondent M30

31 Mar 2011

The French Squash Federation (Fédération Française de Squash, FFSquash) charges respondent M30 for a violation of the Anti-Doping Rules. During a squash event on June 24, 2011, respondent didn't provide a sample for doping control.

The respondent couldn't urinate and left for urgent family matters.

1 The sanction is a period of ineligibility of three months in which respondent can't take part in competition or manifestation organized by the FFSquash.
2. The decision of November 23, 2010, of the disciplinary committee of the FFSquash is cancelled.
5. The decision will start on the date of notification.
6. The decision will be published and sent to the parties involved.

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